Man! What an achievement!
It's like winning the Pulitzer Prize or something...I was a doubter...but no more,,,the only cloud on the horizon is that guy from Scotland that's starting a challenge to your supremacy in a thread called: "Please Delete This Thread"
I'd keep an eye on him if I were you :wink:
Looking at that thread panzade my guess is he 'deleted' himself.
Is that an elephant hiding in the fridge or am I as drunk as Spendi
Mathos wrote:Is that an elephant hiding in the fridge or am I as drunk as Spendi

Jeez Mathos have you been on the turps, that IS 'spendi' in your fridge!
Have you by any chance noticed what Gus and Spendi have been up to on the THIS or THAT thread Page 850?
Keeping it to myself and won't spread it any further, what a pair of filthy bastards.
squinney wrote:Conspiracy!!!
That's what it is! A conspiracy between Montana and Dutchy!
(stomps out and slams door)
<opens the door and slams it>
****, you caught my finger.
Did it ever, thought Montana would have bandaged me up, but she disappeared into nowhere.
We may never come to the end of the thread.
That's the idea, keep it going indefinitely.
How many entries will it take to stretch around the globe once?
How much wood would a woodchuck chuck,
if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
Would it make the slightest difference if;
She sold sea shells on the sea shore?
Just a simple entry, what are you two on about?
Isn't the man in the middle having a piddle and eating an easter scone
the cat did a handstand the pig gave a snort and the dog wagged his tail at the bone.
Perhaps Phoenix32890 may have an answer for that, I haven't.
If she could
She really would
But all the trees are made of wood.
Or are they oak
Or are they willow
Oh sod it
Where is my bloody pillow?