Lady J wrote:kicky, kicky, kicky!
Are you out there old friend? Has your thread gotten as long as you had hoped it would? I was gone for a bit you see, and was pleasantly surprised to see it ever growing still upon my return.

I've missed a lot no doubt, in particular, your whereabouts! When last I read, you had just released yourself from the shackles of the much hated job and were into the elitism of social coffee drinking in the sidewalk cafe's of Manhattan.
Rochester, Florida, still in NY? Where be you these days? No worries about boring others of your tale. Everyone loves to hear kicky talk.

Hey, I'm still here. I just haven't been around as much. I read your post in the missing A2Kers thread last week, and it sounds like things are really great with you. Nice to hear it.
I decided not to move from New York after all. At the last possible minute, I changed my mind, and I lost my great apartment at 76th and 3rd. Damn, that was a huge mistake, losing that place. Anyway, I had no choice: I moved to Queens. Three months later, I moved back to the upper east side, where I now live in a much crappier apartment near 77th and 1st. It's a 4th-floor walk-up. What a dump. And the kicker is that the rent is $80 more than it was at my old apartment. ****.
But I had my two months of complete freedom. Ooh, that was fun. I went to see Letterman, I went on a road trip with my buddy to North Carolina, I took endless walks in Central Park, I hung out with my friends, I went out every night of the week for a while, I walked across the Brooklyn Bridge at was a good time.
And once I decided to stay in NYC, I found a job almost immediately, which was really lucky. I have a new job, in the quality control department at an ad agency. It's not exactly what I want to do right now, but I'm thinking of just staying put for a little while. I don't dread going there everyday like I did at my other job, and I just don't feel like looking for another job right now. I guess I'm just coasting for the moment.
So basically, things were a little topsy-turby for a while, but now they are looking up. I'm definitely not as freakin' stressed out as I used to be.
P.S. Thanks to all of you for lengthening my thread. I hope you will keep on hanging out here in the Kicky corner of A2K. Peace. May the Thread be with you.