Fri 7 Feb, 2003 02:04 pm
dys, I think, IMHO, you made a mistake by the title of this forum. But my off the cuff answer is that there will be a great number of regional difficulties after the US wins the war, not only with Turkey and Iran, but within the different sects and tribes in Iraq. c.i.
My understanding is that the Turkish people are against this war, but the US is holding the government's feet to the fire to keep them in line.
Could this be a short-sighted strategy? We'll find out!
D'art, Whatever our government does concerning Iraq is 'short-sighted.' No question. c.i.
What kind of title would you rather, c.i.?
Could this be a bribe?
How about "US tries to bribe Turks?" c.i.
i can hear the trading going on "ok you get 2 million Kurds for one utility infield to be named at a later date."
Agreed, c.i., re short-term thinking guiding our gov't's every move. It's not just the soon-to-be war. It's about global warming, use of finite resources, tax cuts, federal deficits.
Is there anyone in authority in Washington who's thinking about issues beyond the next few months?
Whatduhyagiveme for my two "Tiger Eye" Kurds?
dys and max, It's more like: US - we'll give you 5 billion for the use of your land, and we won't ask for repayment of your 4 billion loan on the books. Turk - Can we get 2 billion more for having your troops on our land? US - sure, then we have an agreement! Turk - Yes. c.i.
c.i. the problem seems to be that the US is throwing in the Kurds to sweeten the deal.
That is the Bush way. Buy your "friends" and "allies." We will soon have the best coalition that money can buy. Well, why should it be any different from our congress. We have the best congress that money can buy. My cynicism abounds today.