The master "science deniers" of 9/11 are these conspiracy idiots.
1They have no evidence to argue gainst the facts that all the seismic stations recorded nothing but the air plane crashes an the buildings collapsing in a normal gravity fall.
2Glenn has assertd that firemen claimed that "they heard a bomb". Only one foremen even testified in that realm and he actually testified that the "Noise of the falling building was just as loud as a bomb,HE DID NOT SAY IT WAS A BOMB". The fireman later stated that these conspiracists had it all twisted.
3 temperture thresholds of 1500-1800 degrees achieved by the fires F were certainly enough to weaken steel beams beyond their structural integrity. This easily initiated the gravity collpse.
4These giuys totally ignore the several bunches of video or film that actually show the jets flying into the buildings, that coupled with
statements of hundreds of eye witnesses
The psychology of deniers via "conspircy theories" is kinda neat. There is commonality among these kinds of people who argue against common fact, visible evidence, and real science. All these people , according to psychologists, feel powerless and feel that they have no control over their life circumstances.
They basically develop an "alternate reality into which they descend. Pychologists whove reported on the 9/11 conspiracy "theorists" will, in all probability never come around to accept truth without some kind of professional help. In other words, the more e argue with them, the more empowered they feel to carry on in their alternative dimension.
I have no idea about whether JTT is still ranting about this fantasy, Ive only peeked at a post she did on another thread (I think it was the Civil war thread and she was just railing against an individual other than me).