Quote: Where did I make this claim?
Tell ya the truth, It may have been JTT before I ignored her. If I blamed you erroneously I apologize> SO does that man that you agree with me about the fireman who was really angry at being misquoted?
ALSO, You say the forces on the vertical columns were not enough to initiate gravity collapse? even with 85 to 90% of structural strength of the beam was removed by thermal "softening"?? Youve done the modeling so that you know this as a fact or RE YOU JUST PULLING STUFF OUTTA YOUR BROWN ROUND FILE once more??.
since the vertical beams were there in the core, do you doubt that they were BEARING?? Do you think the forces acting on these beams were mostly uniaxial?? Therefore youd better come up with some convincing evidence that 10 stories of building lying atop vertical (and horizontal) beams was strong enough to withstand this event.
Therefore we boil wverything down to your group assertion that things were initiated by explosives??
Howcome then, whenever NIST asked Dr Jones to provide them the QA data on his groups (the "truthers") sampling of what youve called equal to
"deflegration melting", thetruthers did not comply or would not??? YA think they possibly coulda just made all that **** up for publicity (or whatever reasons they perped these improbable tales) . REAL SCIENCE makes it possible to follow the entire act of sampling and analyses by using marked samples, Chains of custody, field and lab blanks and field and lab knowns, and duplicates . All this was carefully avoided so easily impressed folks like you and the other truthers would think youve been given scientific data.
If you rely on ANY of the TRUTHERS data, you should demand the QA packge nd you should question any data in which QA data hs been ignored.
We know they lie about the fireman (Louie Chialmini sp?) who was supposed to have said that it"was a bomb"
We know they lie about the supportive seismic data that does NOT EVEN EXIST.
We know theyve practiced deceit about carrying out their own chemical sampling
We know that they are totally incompetent in deciding that a steel beam that lost much of its bearing strength due to extreme heating would NOT INITITE A GRVITY COLLAPSE
Those are four key data areas that you guys have relied upon that I question seriously their validity(I dont know anything for sure (As you seem to claim) bcause I havent reviewed data in depth but Ive reviewed enough of what Im familiar with and the "Scientific method" which WAS NOT followed to the letter in collecting and analyzing lab samples). There is so much bogus science being paraded by these truthers that any high school science teacher would give F's to any student that tried to post as fact.
I know you will come back with insults at me and my "abilities and reputation as a scientist" but that matters not what you guys post bcause my reputation in the science of applied geology is waaaaay more sound than what you boys (n girls) try to make others believe.
I took an interest in this subject many years ago qhen the Truthers first started to make believe that seismic dta supported their case. The palisades Station hs n array of geophones that are very sensitive to NYC trffic subways , nd any explosions. So much so that squelching is added post production based upon pattern sound dynamics. They have to "Scrub" some of the garbge off the seismic records to hear the earth. In this case, the directional patterns of P and S and L waves did NOT support anything that even remotely supported the "inside job" BULLSHIT.
Sveral papers in AGU hve been presented at conferences over the past 16 years and your beliefs have been soundly proven to be false.
I dont know what else I can say , its just a shame you cant devote your time to something constructive in life. This is a silly waste of your time, youre being buffaloed and puppeted by these professional "truthers" hove turned this **** into a revenue generating scam.
Now Im gonna put you on ignore, like JTT, sleep well.