In the psychology of human behavior, denialism is a person's choice to deny reality, as a way to avoid a psychologically uncomfortable truth.[1]
Max is a science denier but he is hardly the only one. The active science deniers are farmerman, olivier, max, oralloy, baldimo, McGentrix, ... ? .
They all fled rather than discuss the science.
The passive science deniers are almost everyone else who frequents A2K because they all know at least a little about 911 and yet they avoid it "as a way to avoid a psychologically uncomfortable truth".
Here are some of the stark realities that are being avoided:
1. Molten steel [2800F]/vaporized steel [4900+F], molten molybdenum [4700F], vaporized lead [3200F], molten iron microspheres [2700F]. It was impossible for putative high jackers to have caused these molten metals as jet fuel/office furnishing reach max 1800F.
2. Thermite found at WTC in all the dust, actually NANOTHERMITE, a new type of super explosive developed by US Lawrence Livermore Labs in the 1990s. No one else on the planet has access to nanothermite, no one else even knows how it is made, only the US and its scientists.
3. The nanothermite found in WTC dust is the thing that caused the iron microspheres, some 6% of WTC dust, normal office dust has less than 1%. Iron microspheres are the main by product of a thermitic reaction.
4. The jet that supposedly hit WTC2 was able to fly right thru two walls of 14" steel box columns, in and out of WTC2 without any damage to the nose, which is easily damaged by bird strikes. Or it was a missile/bunker buster?
5. The engine found on Murray St that was supposedly from the jet that hit WTC2, a 767-200, was not an engine that was used in the 767 series of planes.
6. There is no CCTV video of any of the alleged hijackers at any of the airports they are said to have departed from.
7. NIST, the government agency that did the studies of the twin towers and WCT7 repeatedly lied, they repeatedly denied absolute realities such as explosions heard by firemen, police, first responders, reporter, eyewitnesses, ... .
8. NIST denied the presence of explosives despite scientific proof of nanothermite, residues of nanothermite, molten and vaporized steel described by FEMA, USGS and others.
9. The molten/vaporized steel is a complete impossibility if we were to follow the US government conspiracy theory. It could not happen in that scenario and yet it exists, as do many other examples of molten steel, molten concrete, fused steel and concrete.
10. George Bush described explosions and bombs in the twin towers, which firefighters had to endure in a March 2017 PEOPLE magazine interview.
These types of science denial are world class science denial, on a par with Holocaust Denial, Flat Earthers, ... .