Quote:They are. And it's pretty freaky when you run into a hard core denier. Hard to know where to start with them.
I'm developing skills there. Figured that since science deniers are spreading, I should learn how to deal with them. My experience so far tells me that it's all about emotions.
A denier's mind is set for reasons other than factual, for reasons that have to see with their view of the world and singularly, their view of evil: holocaust deniers hate Jews, who they see as necessarily evil and hence they cannot also be victims. Similarly, 9/11 deniers share a deep mistrust of the US government seen as the source of all evil, and hence the US cannot possibly be a victim, especially not the Pentagon and Wall treet, right? Global warming deniers are aften motivated by a worldview were capitalism is fundamentally good and thus anyone
seen as anti-capitalist is necessarily evil. Evolution deniers hate the idea that they are animals, not essentially different from monkeys, because in their view, men are noble and animals are brutes. None of these guys is not going to change his mind because he heard you reason logically. But you can succeed if you arm yourself with a mix of patience, humor, disgust and smarts.
First, don't try to convince them. The best you can hope for is that they shut up in your presence, rather than vice-versa, so that they do not make any more victims around you, i.e. that the audience (if any) comes out of the discussion convinced that you are right and they are wrong.
Second, patience is key: they are used to resist other people's ideas and even to get a kick out of seeing regular folks loose their nerve, so make sure you're in for the long haul, and try and make THEM loose their nerve.
Third, a good way to get them to loose their nerve is to use humor. For some reason they totally hate that, they think that their delusion is super-serious stuff that no one should be allowed to poke fun at them.
Fourthly, try and get them to articulate their own rival theory to the mainstream theory. Most of them can't, because it is typically much easier to criticize other people's ideas than to propose a
better idea. E.g. no climate change denier can convincingly explain what's driving climate change. No intelligent design believer can explain the extent of similarities between species (eg why God never created a bird with four legs). Etc.
Finally, make them understand that you see them as no different from holocaust deniers. Everybody wants to be a "free thinker", but nobody likes to be a holocaust denier.