The anti-gay marriage movement IS homophobic

Reply Wed 20 Apr, 2005 01:02 pm
Foxfyre wrote:
Or those who think the marriage traditionalists are religious nuts and homophobic with Nazi tendencies?

Got a quote which will support this Twilight Zone contention, a quote in which anyone here has described the opponents of gay marriage as having Nazi tendencies? Or were you just throwing a turd in the pot and furiously stirring it up?
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Reply Wed 20 Apr, 2005 01:05 pm
Thomas wrote:
Ticomaya wrote:
Wow. Setanta, here is the link to the exchange I referred to earlier when you were referred to as a level-headed poster not inclined to making personally insulting remarks ...

As my guru Richard Feynman once wrote, nobody is responsible for meeting other people's expectations in him. If those expectations are disappointed, this is just tough luck for those who had false expectations. In particular, Setanta is not responsible for meeting your expectations of level-headedness. And, speaking strictly for myself, levelheadedness is not something I value in an opponent. Levelheaded or not, I value opponents who have something to say -- and Setanta does.

You have every right to continue with that levelheadedness thing, Ticomaya, but I would appreciate it if you drop it.

Quite right, Thomas. It only resonates with me because Set was identified early on in my A2K experience as someone who can communicate effectively without resorting to personal insults. My point is that it seems he cannot (or will not). As far as the name-calling, in my view, if you must resort to it you've already lost the argument.

Consider it dropped.
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Reply Wed 20 Apr, 2005 01:08 pm
Ticomaya wrote:
. . . although you stated you recognized the deleterious effects smoking MJ has on your lungs, you never said you ever stopped. I assume you still consider yourself an adult. Thus, it is not really much of an assumption on my part to conclude, assuming you were being both honest and accurate when you made your earlier statement, that you are a proponent of your own continuing drug use. If you are not, it appears you are merely a hypocrite, or were not being honest or accurate.

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, after this lame reasoning, and assume that you were unaware that the use of the word proponent portrays me as promoting drug use. This: "Thus, it is not really much of an assumption on my part to conclude, assuming you were being both honest and accurate when you made your earlier statement, that you are a proponent of your own continuing drug use."--is just lame as hell, and far beneath your usual standard. I am not a proponent of drug use in anyone, and if i continue to smoke marijuana it doesn't necessarily make me a hypocrite, but rather simply points up the falibility of us all. I gave up the booze more than a decade ago, i stopped biting my finger nails more than thirty years ago, because i ought to do something but fail to do it simply makes me human, not a hypocrite. (Unless, of course, you consider the terms synonymous, an idea i'd be willing to canvas.)

Once again, you have no business taking a casual statement and using it as a pretext to say you know anything about me.
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Reply Wed 20 Apr, 2005 01:16 pm
At no time did I accuse you of having "promoted" drug use. My use of the word "proponent" was in the context that you "support" the idea of drug use, or perhaps you were not aware of that definition of the word? Surely you could have figured out the proper context given the questions I asked of you immediately following my statement. You might check yourself before you blithely accuse others of making assumptions ....
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Reply Wed 20 Apr, 2005 01:20 pm
Yah, Set,

You better chiggity check yourself before you wreck yourself, fool!

Wiggty wock

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Reply Wed 20 Apr, 2005 01:23 pm
Was I being urbanly "hip" again? Sorry 'bout that. Purely accidental. Laughing

Fa shizzle!
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Reply Wed 20 Apr, 2005 01:37 pm
Ticomaya wrote:
At no time did I accuse you of having "promoted" drug use. My use of the word "proponent" was in the context that you "support" the idea of drug use, or perhaps you were not aware of that definition of the word? Surely you could have figured out the proper context given the questions I asked of you immediately following my statement. You might check yourself before you blithely accuse others of making assumptions ....

As i have said you have no business making such assumptions. You did not at the time you made your remark, know whether i still smoke, whether or not i consider it a good idea--in short, you had then, and you still have no basis for an assumption that i support drug use.
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Omar de Fati
Reply Wed 20 Apr, 2005 01:47 pm

In point of fact, i said that zealotry is a form of extremism always just a step away from the murderous. So it is not at all apparent that i enjoy coloring anyone anything.

Sure it is. You've spent the last few pages coloring religionists, or zealots, or whatever term you'll use the next time you move the goal posts, in as negative a way as possible. You have your opinion of them, i.e. you despise them & have contempt for them. It's my opinion you're being prejudiced, practicing obscure stereotypes & have an irrational hatred for people who practice religion.


You are so vehemently angry, that you here constantly attempt to portray me as hating anyone with religious beliefs. That is not true, and there is nothing in my posts to suggest as much.

I'm highlighting your words.

I can assure you that what you choose to believe or not to believe is a matter of complete indifference to me.

I'm certain you're handcuffed in your position. Your indifference to how I view you saying you despise religionists, have contempt for them, & are made sick by them, doesn't change that your words need highlighting.


You here demonstrate what i've just written earlier, that you are willfully conflating my use of the term religionists with simply the religiously faithful. I have no notion that, and rather doubt that, there are millions of zealots in this country. Were there, i'd be finding a new country to live in pronto. You are so desparate to make a case that i hate anyone with a religious beliefs that your assertions verge on the hysterical.

You make the case that you despise religionists better than I can. I simply highlighted it.


You write of a disproportionately small number of homosexuals murdered each year. How odd. What would you consider a commensurate number of homosexuals to be murdered each year, and just what do you intend to do about it?

I have no idea. I've lived in American all my life. I've never lived in a country where religious zealots make a point to murder homosexuals. Since you don't know either, why don't you fabricate another "tragedy" religionists bring down on the heads of homosexuals. Because the facts aren't on your side this time.

Setanta wrote:
Omar wrote:

You have some very odd stereotypes of religionists. Over the last few posts, you sound dangerously close to white racists who have odd reasons for hating blacks & minorities. How difficult is it for you to say, I despise people who bomb anybody for any reason?

I haven't stereotyped everyone who has a religious faith, and once again, that is the implication you are reaching for in your attempt to slur me--i write religionist, and you immediately translate that into anyone who is religious.

I said religionists, too. I'm using "your" carefully selected words (lord knows I don't want another sematic quarrel with you). It's right there in B&W (and bold). You said you despise religionists, they make you sick to your stomach, & you have contempt for them. And I believe you.


Interesting turn of phrase again. What would you consider a justified reason for bombing someone?

There are some, but few reasons I think are justified. I'll list one because you asked: Bombing an opposing nation's soliders during war is in my opinion a justified reason.

Neither do i despise or hate those who hold beliefs similar to those of the zealot, so long as they are not themselves zealots. Take a large mallet, and pound this into your brain: all religionists are religious, not all of the religious are religionists.

I believe you 100%. You despise religious zealots. That much is very clear. According to you, they make you sick & you have contempt for them.


I go to bed each night without the least thought of religion or the professors thereof, and this is no obsession with me. I sleep at night untroubled by thoughts of religion or the religious because it simply is not that important to me. I would take care around a vicious dog, but i do not go through life in fear of a vicious dog, i simply keep in mind the danger. The same goes for religious zealotry.

You're doing much more than taking care around religionists. According to you, they make you sick to your stomach. You despise them. You have contempt for them. I suspect religious zealots have much more to fear from the danger you present than the other way around.


You care to specify which "conclusions" are wrong, and why it is that this is so? Or are you perhaps just venting your spleen?

No, I don't care to specify them (again). I've objected to several of them throughout our exchange. You're aware of what I think is wrong with your conclusions.


As for people who bomb "anybody for any reason," there are people all over the world who bomb others for a variety of reasons. I live in America. Here, apart from 9/11, all of our bombings have come from zealous wackos of one description or another, but most frequently have come in the form of abortion clinic bombings.

Interesting.... So you are at a loss when asked what tragedy you can attribute to religious zealots causing you to despise them, to be sick to your stomach, and have contempt for them. It seems...to me, if you have so much negative passion about religionists,you'd be able to in the least, point to something religionists have done to cause it. But you haven't.


I live here, these are the things which concern me. Certainly the bombers on 9/11 were zealous wackos, but Al Quaeda is a more remote threat than is christian zealotry, as i am not surrounded by Muslims, but i am surrounded by Christians.

Well, you're probably smart to beware of the Christians who "surround" you. They are liable to bomb you or fly a plane into you at any moment.

Listen, it's not big deal to me. I'm not a religionist or Christian. As far as I believe, I therefore have nothing to fear from you since you don't despise me or have contempt for me (and I don't make you sick to your stomach...do I). Like I've repeated...I'm only highlighting your words.
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Omar de Fati
Reply Wed 20 Apr, 2005 01:58 pm

Let's see what I've learned from this thread:

1) Anyone who opposes SSM is a homophobe, or a repressed homosexual

2) To despise homosexuals is to hate them (homophobia), but despising religionists is cool & A OK.

3) Despise =/= hate, relative to despising religionists

4) Saying things like 'I've smoke pot all my adult life' isn't a reason to believe the speaker advocates smoking pot.

Let me just say, I'm so educated now.
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Reply Wed 20 Apr, 2005 02:04 pm
Omar de Fati wrote:
Let me just say, I'm so educated now.

Yes ... this is the sort of liberal education one usually must pay big bucks to a University to obtain.....
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Reply Wed 20 Apr, 2005 02:06 pm
Ticomaya wrote:
Consider it dropped.

Thanks Smile
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Reply Wed 20 Apr, 2005 02:08 pm
You still don't get it, OdF.

There is an enormous difference between disliking/hating people and disliking/hating their behaviours (or the outcomes of their behaviours).

Parents learn to appreciate this difference very quickly. They may well hate that their children cr@p on the floor, and they may hate the resulting odor and clean-up activity required - but they do not hate their children.
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Omar de Fati
Reply Wed 20 Apr, 2005 02:17 pm
ehBeth wrote:
You still don't get it, OdF.

There is an enormous difference between disliking/hating people and disliking/hating their behaviours (or the outcomes of their behaviours).

Parents learn to appreciate this difference very quickly. They may well hate that their children cr@p on the floor, and they may hate the resulting odor and clean-up activity required - but they do not hate their children.

I get it. I get it more than you. You're trying to help minimize what "I" consider hatred of religionists, by saying it's hating the religionism. I think that's a crock & it's shifts the goal posts around like it's ridiculous.

You're also trying to minimize it by taking what defines a religionist, i.e. their religionism, and compare it to some Tonka trucks strewn about a nursery. Unfortunately, that's a terrible analogy.

Lastly, I understand the notion. & that you want him to be expressing it, but he's been quite clear about despising "religionists", being made sick to his stomach by "religionists", & having contempt for "religionists". If he wanted to abandon the statement, he only has to say something like "I don't despise religionists" without saying he essentially despises what defines them.

Maybe the Tonka truck analogy describes your position, or someone else's, but it clearer cannot explain the prejudice his words describe.

Besides, this guy despises whoever it is he despises for no apparent reason. He can't ever directly answer why he despises, whoever it is.... He said it was because of some tragedy, but can't name any. So whatever.

How about I agree with you guys & that way I don't have to be a homophobe or repressed homosexual. Also, I won't get mistaken for the religionists he despises.
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Reply Wed 20 Apr, 2005 02:19 pm
ehBeth wrote:
You still don't get it, OdF.

There is an enormous difference between disliking/hating people and disliking/hating their behaviours (or the outcomes of their behaviours).

Parents learn to appreciate this difference very quickly. They may well hate that their children cr@p on the floor, and they may hate the resulting odor and clean-up activity required - but they do not hate their children.

I read this and was encouraged, because I thought, "ehBeth gets it." Then I realized you were probably not relating your statement to homosexuals and homosexual behaviors, just religionists and religionist behaviors, and my optimism was in fact misplaced.

Or am I wrong again?
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Reply Wed 20 Apr, 2005 02:28 pm
I apply that to a lot of situations, Tico. Have to. Wouldn't be able to do my job otherwise. If I wasn't able to "separate the sin from the sinner", I'd have been sent home a long time ago.
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Reply Wed 20 Apr, 2005 02:40 pm
Glad to hear it. So you recognize that someone can dislike homosexual behaviors (or the outcomes of their behaviors) but not dislike the person(s) themselves?
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Reply Wed 20 Apr, 2005 02:53 pm
I don't think I've ever stated otherwise, tico.

My real-life experience suggests that that particular split is somewhat unusual, but I do know some people IRL who are able to make that differentiation.
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Reply Wed 20 Apr, 2005 04:08 pm

We Lakota call that the Mother's Love, some times it's called unconditional love. Like me loving my children, but hating their behaviors and words.
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Reply Wed 20 Apr, 2005 05:20 pm
Setanta wrote:
Dog help us . . . who gives a rats ass who "agrees" with homosexuality. It is not a choice, it is a fact of life for those who are homosexual.

Sheesh, religionists make me sick to my stomach.

My goodness, I opened a can of worms with my wanderings this morning huh?

Anyway, I understand what you are saying. My sister did not choose to be gay. The whole thing from a religious stand point is complicated.

The way we have dealt with it in our household is just politely ignore it while still accepting it. In other words, my sister brings her friends to the house when my parents have get-to-gethers but we just don't talk about it. It works for us.
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Reply Wed 20 Apr, 2005 07:09 pm
Busy discussion this. CR...you wrote a post for me some time back, but god knows where it is now or whether it has been adequately answered by others. Let me know if you wish a further response on it.

The religion element keeps popping up here but of course there's a good reason for that as much of the push to marginalize or denigrate homosexuals, as regards marriage status or generally, has come from various religious communities (as an Israeli rabbi said a week or so ago, "This is the Holy Land, not Homo Land"...he and some members of the christian faith and the muslim faith were organizing against a gay parade).

Does anyone find the above claim to be a misrepresentation?

If the claim seems reasonable close to portraying real states of affairs, then religious belief becomes a perfectly valid target for criticism by those of us in the community who either are not part of that community or who are members of a religious community which doesn't share such negative notions regarding homosexuality and homosexual marriage. Ought we to exempt religious belief/membership from criticism - even while it acts within the community in precisely the same manner as any political party or politically interested and activist special interest group?
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