I'm not sure you ended your post the way you intended to, George.
Quote:Worse, in support of your arbitrary views, you would deny the majority the right to regulate its society through a democratic process
The majority has shown itself unable to make social changes which are neccessary to enable
all Americans to enjoy life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. When the majority is unable to make the difficult, but neccessary, decision, it must be done for them. This has proven successfull several times in the history of our nation and is
directly responsible for the intergrated society we enjoy today.
If the majority cannot come up with a logical argument as to why two gays should not be allowed to marry (not civil union, not lasting partnership, but marriage) then they should be allowed to. So far, there have been
no arguments put forth that to this effect that have been based in sound logic; rather, Tradition, Religion, and Fear are the foundation of this segregation. Therefore, until such an argument is put forth showing the specific harm of such an action, it should be allowed under law.
This is the way equality works. I'm surprised you need this explained to you.