@Frank Apisa,
I do. As I've explained my POV previously the concept of creation does not make sense, at least in the traditional definition of God when we put it under deep scrutiny.
Let me rush the argument to not make a 100 pages long thesis, and be succinct instead.
All attributes that exist in Reality must be possible.
All attributes that are possible cannot be outside of Gods knowledge/Being.
It follows that all attributes that God "brought into existence" in the Universe did already existed in him.
Thus God did not create anything that didn't á priori existed already in his Nature.
One might as well skip the mess and say straight away that God is Nature...if you prefer ultimate nature is fine by me.
No space for a personal God in there as such thing would be phenomenological and within Time and Space.
On this subject I like Spinoza's approach at least until I can find a better one...
PS - In sum I want to mean that you might doubt whatever you feel like it...my point is that if you presuppose the conditions I presented above the "Creator" makes no sense IMO. At best is a figure of speech.