so your overall point is an attempt at "nyah Nyah"?
US is a great melting pot of just about Everything. We took "Steptoe and SOn" and converted it for an age of ARchie Bunker .
So your point that US doesnt have any "chefs" telling the Brits how to run restaurants, well, really, what do we get out of THAT?? Your entire country is smaller than New York and Pennsylvania and the Ramsey show only gets one VOLUNTEER RESTAURANT in those states willing to undergo his abuse in order to get a total face lift of their businesses(for free).
Its entertainment. (PS Ramsey's pretty much last Week's item). Everything has a peak and a decline, like Duck Dynasty or "Naked nd Afraid"
My friend 's son, is the producer of a lot of these "Flip sisters " TV shows qhere partially dressed hotties, buy ND SELL HOUSES WITH MINIMAL UPGRADING and totally self imposed deadlines based on "bridge loans" paybacks.
I do like most UK Tv and find them much better than ours because we have so many outlets that its easy to be just bored hitless with crappy TV. However our comedy and much drama (like the Sopranos) takes a back seat to noone. The only thing I have against Brit Crime drama is the apparent 1950's presentation of actual crimes committed . We do seem to celebrate gratuitous violence, But Brit TV seems to deny it.
The Canadian Film Board produces some really good comedy nd drama.