Thu 4 Nov, 2004 02:55 pm
excerpts and bush quotes from a NYT article
Mr. Bush, looking rested after a rigorous fight for re-election that had both candidates departing from tradition and making campaign appearances on Election Day, was jovial with the press corps, but tried to regiment the exchanges by limiting reporters to one question each, with no follow-ups.
He talked about what he wanted in a cabinet for his second term, when some current members will inevitably be replaced, and he said that in spite of his reputation for surrounding himself with "yes people,'' he actually preferred to have around him those who will not be intimidated by the Oval Office.
"They're getting ready to come in and tell me what for and they walk in and get overwhelmed by the atmosphere, and they say, 'Man, you're looking pretty,' " he said. "And therefore you need people to walk in on those days when you're not looking so good and say, 'You're not looking so good, Mr. President.' ''
Man, this is my dream job...and I'll work cheaper than most...
1600 Pennsylvania Ave. Go for it Bear!
Hey Bear, send your resume to Crad Kilodney, who wrote this piece some years ago, but sure turned out to be prophetic. I'll be your running mate, for complete satire value:
My question is, Bush knows what he wants in his cabinet, but does he want Prince Albert in his er, a can?
"Cheaper than most," bear? Hell, I'll do it for FREE!!!