more good pix! And osso posted a funny set of pictures over at the a2k general album.
I'd thought, you were sitting on a suitcase while urs is trying desperately to close it .... :wink:
We haven't gotten that far yet...
Can somebody be good enough to bring the pic link forward? Thx, c.i.
Now Fiona has joined, will I ever be able to get a word in edgeways again?
Or get on the keyboard?
Yes I will!! Only joking.
You'll have to wait a little for more photos- thanks to c.i. for the latest ones.
Thank you, Walter. It makes it so much easier to find the updates on pics.

Awwwwwwwwwwww you guys, I just saw the photos of your gathering! It made me homesick! Typical pub with lots of friends sharing good times.
Thanks for sharing the pictures, I enjoyed seeing them!
When is the next gathering?
Misti, I'm trying to shoot for a
Three Continent Gathering in San Francisco for the next BIG one!

i would love to go to that. i still know my way around the city.
c.i., I absolutely love San Francisco ... and I have a sister and brother-in-law in Las Vegas I could visit!
That's one gathering I would love to make! Do you think the Londoners would join us?
Misti, All we need to do is ask. We can even drive to the Napa/Sonoma wine country and enjoy a day sipping wine and enjoying the beautiful scenery. c.i.
I've posted some more pictures on littlek's photo link. c.i.
Yes, I agree, Great, c.i., many thanks.
You know, I got so drunk, I can't remember what John Travolta was saying to me. Something to do with being a flop with chicks.
I'll try to get our photos scanned and a selection sent, this week. By the way, littlek, is it OK for any Tom, Dick or Harry (me) to post photos on your web page?
A happy April to all my readers, Tues. Be careful out there.
Since all the ohter Hans, Fritz, etc did so, I think, it should be okay, McTag.
Looking again at the photos, I'm thinking of looking for another barber
If you don't like the Barnet, you could try an Irish, I mean a syrup.
(Cockney talk, in keeping with the venue)
But it didn't do Sean Connery any harm (with the chicks!)
Fiona Welcome !!!
Great pics guys thanks a ton !
Added three more photos - guess why :wink: