Do you eat fruit & vegetables each day?
Which ones? What's seasonal & cheap? Mainly raw, or cooked? Fresh, frozen, tinned? And how do you eat them?: Just the odd carrot/apple, or do you do fantastic things with yours? Wanna share some recipes & ideas?
I've decided I need to eat more fruit & veg., having gotten a bit lazy over the last couple of months. At the moment it's something like an apple a day, plus whatever's in my freezer. What I end up producing has depended in how much energy & enthusiasm I have at the time. This has meant LOTS of soup over winter. I'm now looking at featuring a lot more fruit & vegies more in my diet. I'm looking for inspiration!
(And now, I'm gonna turn off this computer, forget about politics <sigh> & remove those silverbeet/Swiss chards that have recently bolted & turned into triffids .... & plant some new ones. (Spring!
) Also plant some new vegie seedlings I just bought. )