Mon 1 Nov, 2004 06:14 pm
Forget the talking heads ... NFL game indicates who'll be president
I'll take John Kerry for $1,000, Alex. It's a lock.
When the Packers defeated the Redskins on Sunday afternoon, it guaranteed Kerry would win Tuesday's election.
What's that? You think this isn't solid information? Trust me, friend, it's more solid than anything you're going to get from those television clowns over the next 48 hours.
For the last 71 years, the outcome of the Redskins' final home game before the election has predicted the outcome.
If the Redskins win, the incumbent party wins. If the Redskins lose, the incumbent party loses.
This has been true every year since the Boston Braves were renamed the Redskins in 1933. Beginning with FDR's re-election in 1936 and continuing through a 2000 loss to the Tennessee Titans, the Redskins have been a far better election predictor than any of the various polls.
I took the article from the Houston Chronicle's website.
Let's not also forget that the New England Patriots won the last Superbowl, and the Boston Red Sox won the World Series.
Sounds like a lock to me.
If I were superstitious the article would be good news indeed.
I'm not superstitious, but I an a dreamer.
Ah, but the Weekly Reader has it as a lock for Bush.
And the kiddies have been right on every election since 1956.
Since 1956? Not 71 years, I think, Mr. Moishe3rd. How accurate could that be?

PDiddie... that is the single coolest picture I have ever seen. I must swipe that for Cheesehead Central!
(Note to self: PDiddie rules!)
These must be very troubling days for O'Bill.
71 years of football trumps 38 years of weekly readers I would expect.
cavfancier wrote:These must be very troubling days for O'Bill.
A little disconcerting, but I'll make it through okay.
I suppose you will O'Bill, in light of recent events. What, you got a hotline in to the big guy or somethin'?