msolga wrote:...meanwhile, the opposing team's coach (newly appointed after a disastrous season last year) has been given an ultimatum: either produce a respectable 4th term or that's it. (I'm afraid the ALP reminds me a little of Collingwood's form at the moment.

) Will they get their act together & kick a few straight ones through the big sticks, or keep missing & kicking even
more behinds?
Big Kym transferred to the ALP/Collingwood Wagpies from WAFL Wayne Swan Districts and kicked the sand off his Subiaco tried and tested sprigs for the clumpy soil of Canberra. Bearing a look of grim determination and some might say desperation Big Kym, who looked more like a starter for the Bulldogs (jeepers I nearly wrote "Footscray" - dear Ted Whitten, what a great footballer he was) has galvanised his team. During the half time break he'd read the riot act and then some. Reminding the team that the siren was still a long way off BK gave it to them.
"Okay, we've tried the New South Wales game, now it's back to Aussie Rules. Remember our strengths, kick the bloody thing, don't handball it and for crying out loud remember, stay off the wings Left and Right and go down the bloody Centre cos that's where the goals are!"