Hmmm, Rudd gets caught in a strip joint, drunk.
Malcom Fraser gets caught minus his pants and drunk.
Labor is full of Unionists. Well duh. Labor was born from the union movement. Bob Hawke held the beer skulling record for decades, and married his biographer. Whoopee.
Talk about avoiding the real issues of education, health, housing affordability, and real wealth creation.
We are currently the highest taxed nation in the developed world. Thanks a lot Jonny. Now what is the current cash rate again??? He has no idea, and he's been in power so long, he's lost touch with the common man.
The current state of the economy has bugger-all to do with liberal management skills, and everything to do with selling off our base metals and carbon fuels at yesterday's prices to balance the books.
Oh, and while on that topic, does Howard think that all those miners are liberal voters?