
Of course you're confused, on the other side of the planet & all ...
This is a very quick (& I guess, Olga-biased) explanation:
Mark Latham was installed as the Labour Party (ALP) leader last year, when the previous leader was deemed to be, to put it politely, an electoral liability. Latham narrowly won the leadership & was pretty much given a free hand in the election campaign. He didn't do a bad job, really, considering the viability of the Labour Party at the time. But as you'd now know, there was a huge swing away from Labour as a result of the election & toward the (conservative) Liberals.
A mortifying loss, that left the ALP in disarray & indulging in "blame games"to figure out why & where to next. A lot of what would normally be internal in-fighting & lobbying has been very public, via the media. In fact, it's virtually been a Latham witch-hunt, to force him to leave. He has enemies!
So, during January, we've seen relentless media reports of ALP worries, the deficiencies of Latham (whose been very ill & probably very depressed!),his absence from public life, concerns about his fitness, opinion polls ..... IMO public comments that should have been resolved privately. Now, as a result of all this, Latham is virtually being forced to resign, in favour of any number of not too terrific alternatives. (my opinion.) It has been particularly ugly & distressing to watch the process & none to complimentary to the ALP. I don't think it will win them too many votes, nor enhance the ALP's credibility with the electorate.
My objection to all this is 2 fold. I think it's a despicable way to treat a leader, even if the electorate didn't respond favourably to his campaign. For a while there he looked like a winner, the salvation of the ALP. I found many any of his new policies progressive & desirable, though I'm not exactly a Latham "fan". But he obviously didn't win over the electorate, for a variety of reasons, not just a rejection of his policies.
So, now widely considered a loser, the ALP his going for his jugular - viciously! An honorable withdrawal seems a reasonable expectation in the circumstances. Also I believe the ALP has done itself a great deal of harm, publicly, as a result of this very public witch-hunt. I suspect that there'll be much more ALP instability ahead. This is extremely depressing to contemplate: the prospect of years & years more of Liberal rule. And no prospect of a viable opposition to oppose Howard's excesses.
Sorry, I'm in a rush, rjb ... this is off the top of my head. Other Oz A2Kers might well disagree of my assessment of the situation.