This is my second attempt at this posting, the original was well thought out, very structured and no doubt contained such wit and wisdom that you would all be demanding that I stand for PM. Unfortunately, when I hit the spellcheck a message appeared telling me that Microsoft couldn't perform the function and would have to shut down and (worst of all) that I would probably lose what I was working on. It did, I did and, like Richard Harris, I doubt that I'll ever have that recipe again. Sigh.....
Hi vikorr and msolga!
Don't get me wrong, I did not take offence, nor do I mean to give offence.
vikorr wrote:Do your expectations leave many choices re candidates?
I expect ALL parties to scour their ranks for the BEST person. Are we to believe there are no 'responsible' members of either party?
vikorr wrote:(after all, comparing the two major parties...the would be PM got very drunk on his own time...
When I served overseas it was drummed into me before embarking that everything I did would reflect on Australia, on or off duty. That did not only apply to me, but to all who represent the country o/s. Most of the time people are unaware of this for the simple reason that ninetynine percent of our reps do behave themselves [or at least they are discreet about their indiscretions].
vikorr wrote:...the actual PM got drunk at work, as well as lying in order to send Australians to war in Iraq, lying to the electorate over children overboard and AWB, and campaigning on fear and bribery)
I repeat, I expect ALL parties to scour their ranks for the BEST person. Are we to believe there are no 'responsible' members of either party?
vikorr wrote:From my perspective
if private life drunkness = worktime irresponsibility, then considering how many Australians have ever been very drunk, Australian workplaces would be an absolute shambles...and I understand you think any would be PM must be different on this score...and we hold a difference of opinion in relation this

People who cannot hold their booze have little place in high public office. I am not saying they should not drink (or even get drunk on occasion) - it is the blacking out, the amnesia, the loss of self control, that is the problem. Yes, I have seen it. Yes, I have helped 'cover it up'. I am not proud of that. I did it because it was part of my job, but it disgusted me personally. And YES! I do expect more from my Prime Minister.
Sadly, some Australian workplaces are absolute shambles. Fake sickies, slovenly work, malingering, pilfered supplies, pilfered stocks. People endangering themselves and their workmates by operating machinery when hungover. It happens. Doesn't make it right. What it does do is destroy those workplaces eventually because operating costs have become too high and people would rather buy cheaper imports.
(msolga, I think I may have mentioned this before, but...) I come from a Labor Party family. I think until I started opening my mouth and upsetting the status quo by asking the wrong questions, no one in my tribe ever even contemplated voting other than Labor. Three of my rellies were elected to public office and were considered to be more than good at their jobs. I loved them as people, but I was ashamed of them as pollies. The deals that got them elected, the lies, shenanigans that went on, it made my skin crawl. It happens. Doesn't make it right.
I can't stop it, I can't change it. But I will not condone it or lower my expectations. I guess we just have to agree to differ on this. (But I enjoy talking with you both.)
We need another Draco. He sure whooped them archons' tails!