Quote:If I've learnt anything from my exposure to so many different people of the Muslim faith it is that it's a mistake to assume that they mostly have the same political/religious beliefs. There's by no means some sort of consensus on the "rightness" of fundamentalist teachings. In fact, there's an abhorrence to this view from many Muslims I know, who far prefer a secular approach to matters political. Others are very religious & have little interest in the wider community outside their own culture. Others again (particularly some male secondary students I taught at the time) reacted to the Iraq invasion with considerable anger & outrage. (But then, I felt pretty outraged myself!)
What I'm trying to say is that Muslims come in all sorts of varieties, shapes & sizes! (As do Christians.) So when Pauline Hanson declares that we should have a moratorium on Muslim migrants, precisely which Muslims is she talking about? Arabs? Turks? Ethiopians? Lebanese? Malaysians? asylum seekers? Or perhaps the whole lot? And on what basis is she making her call? I suspect she's just grabbing headlines, the best way she knows how.
Hi Msgola,
I realise that there are moderate Muslims who wouldn't hurt a fly. I know that there are Muslims who prefer secular rule, and there are Muslims that are well adapted to Australia and respect other Australian people. From that point of view, those already in Australia are welcome. I also know that their views on such vary on culture to culture.
...However, also given that most everywhere that there is a majority of Muslims, there is Sharia Law (and non Muslims are treated as second class citizens)...and many countries where there is an approaching majority of Muslims (or a large part of the country is Muslim)...there is a civil war...then it follows that the more Muslims you allow into the country the more like it is that....(you can finish the thought line I'm sure)
The more Muslims you have,the greater the number of fundamentalists/extremists (note : obviously extremism doesn't necessarily mean you are going to take violent action...otherwise there'd be 100M holy warriors running around...but it is from this section that the terrorists & most Jihadists come from)
Say that the world percentage of extremists (10%) is driven up by a higher percentage in the Middle East (say 15%)...so lets make Australias percentage 3%...that's still 10,500 extremists in this country.
Now...as they found in Brittian, in the ME and everywhere really, it seems many 'ordinary' Muslims are sympathetic to suicide bombers, to Al Qaeda and the likes (Brittian I think recorded a 50% sympathy rate)
If one of our Australian extremists decided to blow himself up...he generates a lot of sympathy. Australian security cracks down...generates more sympathy...and to me that equals more potential recruits.
This may be a 'what if' scenario...but it appears to be happening in Brittian (maybe in Spain - we don't get much news from there), and so the possibility that it could happen in Australia is real enough.
The point of everything I posted above is that the religion itself has inherent dangers in it's teachings. Obviously one can choose to read the Koran as a book of peace (by choosing its peaceful passages over the violent ones) and this is acceptable. However...it is obviously just as easy to justify violence in the name of the spread (and probably glorification) of Islam (this is after all, how their prophet spread the faith).
The Imams stating that Sheik Hali from Lakemba was 'misunderstood' when he basically said it's alright, it's understandable if you rape western women...they entice you to do it' (you know - the cat and naked meat analogy)...it appears that lying to further the purposes of Islam is alright as well (following along the lines of the analogy of what you do when you face a superior military force)...I recall another incident where a news interviewer asked a muslim youth about something an Imam had said - the youth got a sly smile on his face and said "he was lying of course' (I can't recall what the original thing the Imam said was). Unfortunately I've little doubt that I will see more evidence of this sort of attitude as the years pass.
Many muslims are no doubt good, kind and loving people, and the read the Koran in such a light, which is fine in and of itself...that said, I just think sad reality is showing that the Religion itself (and its teachings)lends itself to violence in the cause of the spread of Islam (and no doubt also for its glorification)
If I may indulge in some cynicism...seeing as the suicide bombers are going home to heaven where 72 virgins and an everlasting orgasm await them...wouldn't this be incentive to many people to blow themselves up?