realjohnboy wrote:Damn. I have no idea what has just happened in Aus politics. I'll spend some time tomorrow trying to sort it all out.
Hi there, RJB!
I'll try to explain as briefly as I can.
Basically Howard & the Liberals have panicked since very favourable polls for Labor (& Kevin Rudd), so have taken to attacking the integrity of Labor. They are trying to create doubts in voters' minds about the Rudd team's suitability for government. First there was the accusation that Rudd had met with discredited former Western Australian premier, Brian Burke (a political "fixer" who had previously spent some time in jail for corrupt activities). Apparently Rudd had dined/met with Burke three times, some years ago & Howard & the Libs argued a "guilt by association" case which didn't appear to make much impact voters, judging by the first poll findings since the attacks. Pretty hysterical stuff! One of the Lib cabinet ministers declared that Rudd had
"supped with the devil!" 
Since then it's been tit for tat with revelations about misdemeanors of various ministers (from both sides) hitting the headlines, almost daily. Hence all those dirt/mud-slinging cartoons. That is about the level that things are at right now.
So far two politicians have lost their postions as a result of scandals & revelations, a government cabinet minister & the shadow attorney-general from the Labor side. Expect more "exposes" & scandals in the coming weeks & months! Especially from the Liberal side. They are digging, digging, digging for
anything that can make Labor look corrupt, dishonest or lacking in integrity. They smell defeat & don't like it!
Oh, I should mention that prior to the initial public attack on Rudd by Howard & co, Labor had publicly criticized John Howard for having discussed (& apparently approved of) a nuclear energy business venture (by some Liberal cronies) prior to the release of "findings" of an inquiry (initiated by Howard) which viewed nuclear power as a viable, "clean" energy option for the future. (A
very hot issue here with the Greens & environmental groups & sections of the Labor Party.)
Phew! Perhaps someone else can explain it better than I have?
So basically we are not having in-depth debates on important election issues in the Oz media right now. Just a lot of accusations, "revelations", attacks on character & mud-slinging. The Liberal tactic is to "go for the man" (Rudd in particular) & destroy the growing popularity that the Labor Party has been experiencing. It is certainly
very interesting to see the Libs arguing for morals & integrity! :wink: