dadpad wrote:G'day scumbags.
Who're you calling scumbags then, dadpad?
I may be a ratbag, but a scumbag?
I think not! (puffing up with indignation)
I cannot speak, of course, for the handful of others who frequent this thread from time to time ....! :wink:
dadpad wrote:WTF
Little Dessicated Coconut?
Where'd that spring from.
Interesting language, I agree.
I think PK just made that up on the spot!
... & left it to others to decide what it means.
My take:
dessicated = scrambled brained, not thinking straight, lost the plot, all over the place.
coconut: well who knows exactly? Could it be a less than flattering description of JH's
dome? Or perhaps he's suggesting that JH is a bit of a coconut brain? (empty on the inside with stuff sloshing around in there?

) Whatever, it's not flattering or respectful. And it was
funny! That's interesting, JH is now a
joke! And Keating got away with it. Remember, not so long ago journalists were ever-so-reverently describing him as some sort of tactical political genius?

How things can change!
Which brings me to TinTin.
Ya know, I never thought that having a
saint at the helm of the ALP was such a brilliant idea. Limited appeal for ordinary folk, rather emote from the masses and all that. This episode might toughen him up a bit ( & hopefully
loosen him up a bit!) & cause him to act less like a choir boy & more like a real person. Not a bad thing at all, I think.