vikorr wrote:This is my spin on what's happening (of course it's just a guess, but I'd put odds on it).
Howard hasn't lost the plot on this one.
Reports a while back said that Australia's defence forces were stretched to the limit. Where then is Howard going to find the extra troops he is committing to Afghanistan?
I'll put my money on the bet that Cheney asks Howard to shift Australian Troops to Iraq for 'Strategic Purposes - in the interests of the Broader war on terror'
And Howard believes he will look like he's had magical forsight, having already anounced his intention to increase numbers in Iraq.
This gives Howard an 'honourable' way out of the political predicament he is currently in...and because he's already announced the move, no one can accuse him of pandering to the Americans (of course, almost without doubt the Americans have already asked Lil Johnny to do this).
Good morning from rainy Melbourne (

), vikorr!
It is really hard to know quite
what Howard & crew are up to in regard to Iraq & Afghanistan. The Libs been so contradictory. I mean the Obama hysterics about possible US withdrawal, followed by the acceptance of the withdrawal British of British troops. (Of course he knew & approved all along.
I don't think so!) And then the sudden rediscovery of
Afghanistan! Not just by JH, of course, but I can't remember the last time
he mentioned Afghanistan as some sort of
major concern.Call me cynical, but I see it as JH face saving. AND falling into line with the next lot of US/British plans.
But wasn't it amazing, the flip-flopping from Howard, Downer & Nelson following the British announcement? They were so out of sync with each other, saying such different things! (No doubt Cheney is setting them straight on
The New Correct Line as I type! Expect a unified front soon!

My favourite Lib comments so far have come from Brendan Nelson, liking the Iraq fiasco to WW11 & the Oz battlers in Iraq to the heroic diggers fighting on the Kokoda Trail!
