It couldn't have anything to do with JH's tendency to send the troops off to far-flung, dangerous places supporting dubious conflicts, could it? :wink:
Anyway, here's how AGE readers responded to the call:
Let's fight for peace
JOHN Howard, we must build up our relationships with the whole world, especially our northern neighbours, by having a peacemaker image. Let's strengthen our diplomatic efforts and our part in the United Nations, rather than increasing our defence forces in anticipation of more wars.
- Bill Chandler, Ringwood
In whose interest?
FIXING the problems of regional peacemaking is a legitimate reason to increase the number of operational soldiers. However, it raises the question about the continued presence of our soldiers in Iraq, now known to be part of John Howard's political opportunism. They should not be there. It should not be forgotten that military action is a last resort when good government and diplomacy have failed. The Howard Government is hard-pressed to address the problems it is creating, especially the inflationary effects of the over-stimulated economy. Expanding the military will further stoke the interest rates fire.
- Brad Harris, Robinvale
Prick of conscience
I WONDER whether John Howard feels a twinge of conscience when he calls for young men to join the army. He was of military age during the Vietnam War but did not go, even though it was his own Liberal Party that got us into the bloody mess.
- Frank Walker, Budgewoi, NSW
What is it good for?
HOW shocking to see Australia's leaders turn to militarism to woo the electorate. How sad to see Australia turn into an imperialist power that can only find solace through war and mayhem. Wouldn't it make more sense to spend that $10 billion on economic assistance to states that are experiencing difficulties that may lead to their failure? We recently saw how ineffective armed soldiers were when faced with civil disorder in East Timor. Armed police trained in handling those situations would have been far more effective. Political and economic assistance earlier on would have, more than likely, negated the need for any militarist intervention at all.
Australia is too small to enter into offensive actions, as in Afghanistan and Iraq. We need our armed forces for defensive or civil emergency operations with small deployments under UN jurisdiction to meet our international obligations. Howard and Beazley would be better off sacking the war pundits and allowing people from neighbouring countries to work here to share our wealth. That would forge stronger peace and security in our region.
- G. Pike, Mowbray, Tas
Flying pig squadron
IT IS one thing to announce an increase in the size of the army and another to accomplish it. Short of the reintroduction of national service, there is more chance of seeing permanent peace in the Middle East than getting more young Australians into uniform. With the army hemorrhaging because it is over-extended, why would anyone choose to be a plaything for a government that gets pleasure out of following George Bush into wars of his making, safe in the knowledge that it is not their sons and daughters being used as cannon fodder.
- D. J. Fraser, Gold Coast, Qld
Soft roe to hoe