FreeDuck wrote:Quote:Doesn't anyone else worry about Kerry and his ability to take any action that is necessary, but unpopular?
It's a campaign. I can't imagine that you think that this doesn't happen in Bush's campaign. And he's been campaigning since he got elected.
You appear to be missing the point, FD. The question was whether you have a concern that Kerry will be able to make tough decisions, or will he only make popular decisions, regardless of whether they are the right decisions, solely based on whether they will please the most people. Asked another way, has Kerry done anything that would lead you to believe he has the backbone to take a position that he felt was unpopular? Does Kerry have the courage of his convictions?
If this was all just a campaign to Bush, why would he take a necessary, but unpopular course of action? Certainly a risky move, politically speaking, don't you agree.
Why should anyone feel they have ever seen the
real Kerry, and not just the talking points, focus group, poll driven, nuanced Kerry?