Fri 29 Oct, 2004 12:06 pm
Job hunting--especially during a recession--can be a soul-eroding experience. How do you keep your morale intact--or at least alive?
I tend to actually feel sorry for ALL the other people who are also job hunting at the same time. I hate to know that 1000+ people are out of thier jobs, out of thier money, some out of thier homes and all looking for the same job.
It tends to take the rejection pain off of me when I am told " Dont call us we will call you"
Hmm, a few things.
I try to not dwell on disappointments, even when there are a lot of them in a row. I try to concentrate on positives, such as "I got five recruiter calls this week" or "My resume has been updated on all of the job boards I frequent" or "I've got a good idea on how to make my cover letter better". Or whatever.
I also try to work on new things so as to keep tweaking the whole, er, package. Recently I've been playing around with thank-you notes. I used to write something very short, now I write a much longer note which is another way I try to sell my skills to a potential employer. So I can feel good about improving that, even if I am still looking, and gettin weary of looking.
Other things I do is just not think about job-hunting all the time. I've made it clear to my folks that I have no problem with them asking about things, but there are just going to be some days that I don't want to talk about it. And, I try to not tell them much of what's going on, unless it goes fairly far in the process (e. g. an interview) - I sometimes can't take telling them, yet again, I didn't get something. Of course RP and I talk about it all the time, but I don't talk much to the folks because I don't want that to be the only topic of conversation, so we discuss other things. If it comes up, it comes up, but at least I don't dread a phone call from them, waiting for the inevitable "Find anything yet?"
Plus A2K, of course.