joefromchicago wrote:Frank Apisa you have questioned how I know 2 + 2 = 4....and how I know what name is on my birth certificate...
...and now you are asking me if I am deluding myself when I say: "I do not know the nature of REALITY.
Well...allow me to respond with an acknowledgement.
I have been deluding myself.
I thought you were a serious poster attempting to deal reasonably with the issue being discussed.
It was a delusion.
You are simply a person engaged in sophistry.
Let me respond in a manner that I know you'll appreciate:
Cut the bullshit,
Yep...I was deluding myself to suppose you were being serious.
Quote:You feel free to criticize others on their lack of any basis for their claims of knowledge, yet when questioned yourself you retreat into a familiar combination of pouting and insults.
I don't ever pout, Joe. And you are deluding yourself (or being galactically presumptuous) to suppose you could detect pouting in an Internet forum exchange of this kind.
In any case, I have the balls and character to put my "insults" out there as insults...rather than trying to disguise them as polite, intellectual you so often do...and as you did in this quoted sentence.
Quote: It's almost enough to make one feel sympathy for fresco and the other non-dualists.
What is this nonsense even in here for?
Quote: Really, Frank, at your age I would have thought that you'd have forsaken these silly playground tactics. are the one using those kinds of tactics...but it is understandable. You do it in so many threads, apparently it has become habit.
Quote:You've claimed that you know your own name, yet you claim not to know the nature of reality.
This is pathetic.
Yes, Joe, I do know my own name and I do know that 2 + 2 = 4. But I do NOT know the nature of REALITY.
Are you telling me that everyone who knows their own name or who can do simple arithmatic...perforce knows the nature of REALITY?
Jeez...what some people will do to try to make other wrong!
Quote: Well, either you know or you don't: you can't know a thing yet not know anything.
And just where the hell have I ever said...or even intimated...that I do not know anything???
Are you on drugs?
Quote:You can't claim to know what you know if you base your claim on your bare assertion that you know.
Sonny, if I cannot assert that I know my own name or that I know 2 + 2 = 4 in a discussion with you...the problem is not with me.
It is with you.
Take a tranquilizer. Take two. You are really out of control.
Quote:Now, I have a suspicion that your claims of knowledge are very similar to mine, but if you refuse to allow anyone to subject those beliefs to the same kind of scrutiny that you'd direct at others' claims, then you are admitting that you have no interest in a fair dialogue.
Please...if you are suggesting that in order for me to question the source of assertions about what REALITY is or is not...
...that I must go through a defense of how I know my own name or how I know that 2 + 2 = 4...
...then you have been spanking the monkey much too much, Joe.
Give it a rest. You'll wear it out.
In any case, you just told Fresco that you didn't want to play games.
So why in the hell are you playing this childish...silly...inane little game with me?
Quote: And if that's the case, then, as with fresco, I'll simply ignore any further posts that you may submit, on the assumption that you are unwilling to enter into a reasonable discussion.
I really don't give a rat's ass whether you read my posts or ignore them, Joe. Frankly, lately you have not been adding much to any of the discussions in which you are participating.
Be that as it may...the best response I can give this "revelation" you just shared is to thank you for the huge laugh I got from you supposing I would care what you do.