The Problem of Self

Reply Sat 6 Nov, 2004 07:02 pm
Frank: Your post made me laugh out loud, especially at this point:
With a huge grin on his face he bows back...ever so happy that his little attempt at humor was accepted as such!

I'm glad you and I are on the same wavelength. Have you checked out my "Truth: Objective or Subjective?" thread yet? I realize that a) I've probably already asked, b) You probably posted and I just don't remember, and c) that it's a topic you would find futile, but I'd like to hear your thoughts. I think we're getting somewhere we can all agree on there.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 6 Nov, 2004 10:53 pm
fresco wrote:

My lack of satisfaction has its academic origins in Quantum Physics and Philosophy of Language and is fuelled by frustration at the continued proliferation of perrnicious religious belief systems.

Well, I suppose basing one's belief in non-dualism on quantum physics is a bit like basing one's belief in god on atheism.

fresco wrote:
You are already aware of my scepticism of the utility of applying "normal logic" in these areas based to some extent on my reading of genetic epistemology.

I tend to believe that your skepticism of normal logic is based more on your inability to justify your belief system logically, but I'll let that pass.

fresco wrote:
I'm sorry but I dont think your other Q/A's are significant from this position.

On the one hand, fresco, you chide me for my failure to "think out of the box" (whatever that might mean), and then you say that you can't answer any of my questions regarding "the box." You make claims that can't be validated except on your terms, and you refuse to disclose the nature of your terms because . . . well, because of some reason which you refuse to explain. Frankly, your little game of hide the metaphysical pea is becoming tiresome. If understanding your conclusions requires accepting your premises, then just say so.

In any event, I can guess what you might mean by "the box." I suppose it is somewhat akin to a Foucauldian episteme. If I ask nicely, will you tell me if I'm on the right track?

fresco wrote:
The old adage "What do they know of England who only of England know ?" might make my comments on "the box" self explanatory. (I would cite Wittgensteins rejection of his own Tractatus on conventional logic in support of my own claim that I am not wishing to be condescending to you)

Sorry, even with the addition of helpful adages and references to Wittgenstein, your comments on "the box" are no more self-explanatory than before.

fresco wrote:
Later edit:
Sorry I did mean to reply to your first Q.
"Time as a Psychological Construct" is an accepted concept in quantum physics.

Then why do you accept it?
0 Replies
Reply Sat 6 Nov, 2004 11:02 pm
JLNobody wrote:
BTW, Joe, would you not say thats prediction "turns out" to be knowledge when it is affirmed by experience?

I don't have any problem with that.

JLNobody wrote:
Prediction is one way of determining knowledge.

I'm not quite sure what you mean by "determining" knowledge. If I predict the return of Halley's Comet, I can confirm my prediction by viewing its return. Its return, however, is not "determined" by my prediction, as I would be confident that it would have returned regardless of my prediction.

JLNobody wrote:
There is no question of whether a hypothesis is knowledge BEFORE it is affirmed (or not falsified). Knowledge is a state of mind more than it is a condition of the world which we mind.

I have no problem with that either.
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Reply Sun 7 Nov, 2004 01:23 am

<<On Foucault's account, the relation of power and knowledge is far closer than in the familiar Baconian engineering model, for which "knowledge is power" means that knowledge is an instrument of power, although the two exist quite independently. Foucault's point is rather that, at least for the study of human beings, the goals of power and the goals of knowledge cannot be separated: in knowing we control and in controlling we know.>>(STANFORD ENCY.PHIL)

See also perhaps:

Despite your Foucault reference which may have some communicative merit, that coffin lid is sure screwed down well ! Smile
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Frank Apisa
Reply Sun 7 Nov, 2004 04:41 am
joefromchicago wrote:
Frank Apisa wrote:
Deluding myself about what?


Frank Apisa wrote:
In fact, why don't you ask it of me?

OK Frank, how do you know if you're not suffering from a delusion?

Hummm...so you have questioned how I know 2 + 2 = 4....and how I know what name is on my birth certificate...

...and now you are asking me if I am deluding myself when I say: "I do not know the nature of REALITY.

Well...allow me to respond with an acknowledgement.

I have been deluding myself.

I thought you were a serious poster attempting to deal reasonably with the issue being discussed.

It was a delusion.

You are simply a person engaged in sophistry.
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Frank Apisa
Reply Sun 7 Nov, 2004 04:47 am
Taliesin181 wrote:
Frank: Your post made me laugh out loud, especially at this point:
With a huge grin on his face he bows back...ever so happy that his little attempt at humor was accepted as such!

I'm glad you and I are on the same wavelength. Have you checked out my "Truth: Objective or Subjective?" thread yet? I realize that a) I've probably already asked, b) You probably posted and I just don't remember, and c) that it's a topic you would find futile, but I'd like to hear your thoughts. I think we're getting somewhere we can all agree on there.

Yeah, Tal...I have looked in on that thread several times...and have been reading along in it. But I think I have not posted there yet. It's an area that has been talked to death...and one where my agnostic take is not valuable in the least (unlike on the issue being discussed here). Maybe I'll take another look...but often I find threads where I just read along and try to absorb stuff rather than offering my own speculations.

Glad we hit that "same wavelength" spot.

I have lots of my humor get lost on some people...but that probably is because we golfers have a "ball busting" style that some people find obectionable. Fact is, though, in golf...getting your opponent rattled is often just as important as having any golf talent!! :wink:
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Frank Apisa
Reply Sun 7 Nov, 2004 04:51 am
JLNobody wrote:
Frank, I think I know your answer to Joe's question of how you know you are not deluding yourself. You don't know. You are guessing.
To answer your question to me. I AM guessing in a way. It's a conclusion based on experience--often the experiences amount to "soft" evidence, "facts" that move me subjectively, but not "hard" enough to move a sceptic or embarrass one with a closed mind. But I do not think people can do without knowledge, whether based on hard facts (this is usually the case with relatively trivial knowledge) or soft facts. We must speculate because of tne need for meaning and the pragmatic need for a theoretical basis for practical action (cf. John Dewey). That's why you've elevated your "I don't know" to the status of divine truth.

I haven't elevated my "I don't kow" to the status of divine truth...but I guess in your position, it doesn't hurt to assert that. It sure as hell beats having to deal with the fact that you apparently don't have what it takes to acknowledge some of the things you are so reluctant to acknowledge.

The beat goes on!

You believers just want ever so much to have your "beliefs" be acknowledged as the truth.

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Reply Sun 7 Nov, 2004 05:31 am
To All,

To get back to "self" which is the subject of this thread allow me to explain why these epistemological skirmishes with Joe and Frank may be relevant.

If I postulate in accordance with some of the references cited that "knowledge" is about "prediction and control" NOT "reality", then it seems to follow that "self knowledge" is about "control of situations in which the self operates". Now if we then take the concept of "delusion" it implies either we are mistaken about "the degree of control" or that what "works" for one "self" may not work for another. Reference to "facts" are sidestepped. To take the specific case of "knowledge of God" this can refer to a degree of confidence that the holder has about situations in which he sees "control delegated to a divine operator".

What I am doing here is testing the utility of a general paradigm in "cutting through word salad".
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Frank Apisa
Reply Sun 7 Nov, 2004 11:27 am
If someone is asserting that they know enough about existence and REALITY to identify what those things are and what they are not...what are constituents and what are not there...

...an appropriate question is "How do you know that?"

An appropriate addendum is: "And if you do not know it...why are you not identifying it as a guess?"

And if the answer is that it is "knowledge" obtained through mystical means...

...an appropriate question is: "How do you know you are not deluding yourself about this supposed mystical revelation."

Not really sure why that bothers so many of you...but I SUSPECT it is because there really are no good responses to them.
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Reply Sun 7 Nov, 2004 11:37 am

What's a "good response" ?
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Reply Sun 7 Nov, 2004 02:35 pm
fresco wrote:
Despite your Foucault reference which may have some communicative merit, that coffin lid is sure screwed down well ! Smile

It's not a total loss. At least we've found something else that you don't understand very well: Foucault.

I really don't have the patience to play twenty questions with you, fresco, especially when all of your answers are "I won't tell you." Just answer me this simple question: does understanding your conclusions require accepting your premises?

That shouldn't necessitate too much cross-box communication. If you refuse to answer, then I'll know that you have no interest in maintaining any kind of dialogue, and I can ignore any further posts from you. If, on the other hand, you choose to answer, then we can proceed from there.
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Reply Sun 7 Nov, 2004 02:48 pm
Frank Apisa wrote:
Hummm...so you have questioned how I know 2 + 2 = 4....and how I know what name is on my birth certificate...

...and now you are asking me if I am deluding myself when I say: "I do not know the nature of REALITY.

Well...allow me to respond with an acknowledgement.

I have been deluding myself.

I thought you were a serious poster attempting to deal reasonably with the issue being discussed.

It was a delusion.

You are simply a person engaged in sophistry.

Let me respond in a manner that I know you'll appreciate:

Cut the bullshit, Frank.

You feel free to criticize others on their lack of any basis for their claims of knowledge, yet when questioned yourself you retreat into a familiar combination of pouting and insults. It's almost enough to make one feel sympathy for fresco and the other non-dualists. Really, Frank, at your age I would have thought that you'd have forsaken these silly playground tactics.

You've claimed that you know your own name, yet you claim not to know the nature of reality. Well, either you know or you don't: you can't know a thing yet not know anything. You can't claim to know what you know if you base your claim on your bare assertion that you know.

Now, I have a suspicion that your claims of knowledge are very similar to mine, but if you refuse to allow anyone to subject those beliefs to the same kind of scrutiny that you'd direct at others' claims, then you are admitting that you have no interest in a fair dialogue. And if that's the case, then, as with fresco, I'll simply ignore any further posts that you may submit, on the assumption that you are unwilling to enter into a reasonable discussion.
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Reply Sun 7 Nov, 2004 04:00 pm

I have in essence said what I want to say in my post to "all".
If you are bent on a "premises/conclusion/ gotcha" scenario alas this is some way from the spirit of "zen pointing" in which I believe I am engaged.
BTW I congratuate you on adding a Foucault notch to the inside of the coffin lid (presumably to go with Kosco ?). You really need to watch that knife in confined spaces.
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Reply Sun 7 Nov, 2004 05:18 pm
Joe, you asked fresco why he was disattatisfied with traditional concepts of objective reality and he answered that it has its origins in Quantum Physics and the Philosophy of Language.

For what it's worth, I find it very interesting that Tywvel and I have a similar disatisfaction, but one with origins in the literature and practice of mystical philosophy. It seems that "objective reality" (as seen from the perspective of naive realism) is rejected from the past (ancient mystical philosophy) and from the future (Quantum Physics). This is not to ignore, however, the evidence from the Philosophy of Language and the anti-positivism seen in much of the philosophy of social science in the present.

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Frank Apisa
Reply Sun 7 Nov, 2004 06:49 pm
fresco wrote:

What's a "good response" ?

One that actually answers the question rather than avoids it.
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Frank Apisa
Reply Sun 7 Nov, 2004 07:13 pm
joefromchicago wrote:
Frank Apisa wrote:
Hummm...so you have questioned how I know 2 + 2 = 4....and how I know what name is on my birth certificate...

...and now you are asking me if I am deluding myself when I say: "I do not know the nature of REALITY.

Well...allow me to respond with an acknowledgement.

I have been deluding myself.

I thought you were a serious poster attempting to deal reasonably with the issue being discussed.

It was a delusion.

You are simply a person engaged in sophistry.

Let me respond in a manner that I know you'll appreciate:

Cut the bullshit, Frank.

Yep...I was deluding myself to suppose you were being serious.

You feel free to criticize others on their lack of any basis for their claims of knowledge, yet when questioned yourself you retreat into a familiar combination of pouting and insults.


I don't ever pout, Joe. And you are deluding yourself (or being galactically presumptuous) to suppose you could detect pouting in an Internet forum exchange of this kind.

In any case, I have the balls and character to put my "insults" out there as insults...rather than trying to disguise them as polite, intellectual observations...as you so often do...and as you did in this quoted sentence.

It's almost enough to make one feel sympathy for fresco and the other non-dualists.

What is this nonsense even in here for?

Really, Frank, at your age I would have thought that you'd have forsaken these silly playground tactics.

Joe...you are the one using those kinds of tactics...but it is understandable. You do it in so many threads, apparently it has become habit.

You've claimed that you know your own name, yet you claim not to know the nature of reality.

This is pathetic.

Yes, Joe, I do know my own name and I do know that 2 + 2 = 4. But I do NOT know the nature of REALITY.

Are you telling me that everyone who knows their own name or who can do simple arithmatic...perforce knows the nature of REALITY?

Jeez...what some people will do to try to make other wrong!

Well, either you know or you don't: you can't know a thing yet not know anything.

And just where the hell have I ever said...or even intimated...that I do not know anything???

Are you on drugs?

You can't claim to know what you know if you base your claim on your bare assertion that you know.

Sonny, if I cannot assert that I know my own name or that I know 2 + 2 = 4 in a discussion with you...the problem is not with me.

It is with you.

Take a tranquilizer. Take two. You are really out of control.

Now, I have a suspicion that your claims of knowledge are very similar to mine, but if you refuse to allow anyone to subject those beliefs to the same kind of scrutiny that you'd direct at others' claims, then you are admitting that you have no interest in a fair dialogue.

Please...if you are suggesting that in order for me to question the source of assertions about what REALITY is or is not...

...that I must go through a defense of how I know my own name or how I know that 2 + 2 = 4...

...then you have been spanking the monkey much too much, Joe.

Give it a rest. You'll wear it out.

In any case, you just told Fresco that you didn't want to play games.

So why in the hell are you playing this childish...silly...inane little game with me?

And if that's the case, then, as with fresco, I'll simply ignore any further posts that you may submit, on the assumption that you are unwilling to enter into a reasonable discussion.

I really don't give a rat's ass whether you read my posts or ignore them, Joe. Frankly, lately you have not been adding much to any of the discussions in which you are participating.

Be that as it may...the best response I can give this "revelation" you just shared is to thank you for the huge laugh I got from you supposing I would care what you do.
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Reply Sun 7 Nov, 2004 07:29 pm
*Full-bodied, protracted laughter at the well-constructed insults of joe and Frank*
Truly quality, gentlemen. I've done what I needed to on this thread, so I'll bid all adieu to all and hope to run into you guys on another thread.
Re-cap of my view(of the original topic):
The conflict people find in their "selves" stems from an imbalance between what they want to be, and what society wants them to be. Happiness/comfort can only be achieved in taking what you agree with from society and weaving it into the lattice of your personality; of refining and becoming content with, who you are and what you value.
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Reply Sun 7 Nov, 2004 11:51 pm
joefromchicago wrote:
Just answer me this simple question: does understanding your conclusions require accepting your premises?

That shouldn't necessitate too much cross-box communication. If you refuse to answer, then I'll know that you have no interest in maintaining any kind of dialogue, and I can ignore any further posts from you.

fresco wrote:

I have in essence said what I want to say in my post to "all".

'nuff said.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 7 Nov, 2004 11:58 pm
Frank Apisa wrote:
blah blah blah blah etc.

Wow, that must have worn you out. Take a nap, Frank, before you make yourself dizzy again.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 8 Nov, 2004 12:05 am
JLNobody wrote:
Joe, you asked fresco why he was disattatisfied with traditional concepts of objective reality and he answered that it has its origins in Quantum Physics and the Philosophy of Language.

For what it's worth, I find it very interesting that Tywvel and I have a similar disatisfaction, but one with origins in the literature and practice of mystical philosophy. It seems that "objective reality" (as seen from the perspective of naive realism) is rejected from the past (ancient mystical philosophy) and from the future (Quantum Physics). This is not to ignore, however, the evidence from the Philosophy of Language and the anti-positivism seen in much of the philosophy of social science in the present.


I have no problem with anyone whose dissatisfaction with traditional concepts of reality is based upon mystical philosophy. Basing one's belief in non-dualism on quantum physics, however, is nonsensical, since quantum physics, like all sciences, is grounded in the distinction between subject and object. The non-dualism and quantum physics, therefore, are antithetical. It is, as I pointed out before, something like basing one's belief in god upon atheism.
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