RexRed wrote:Frank How can I take exception to anything you have said when ultimately there is nothing that you can be nailed down to spiritually... thus the confusion... I marvel at your confusion.
Okay...this is something upon which we can agree. I marvel at your confusion also.
Quote:I cannot accept duality because it ultimately claims that woman is evil with a good nature and man is good with an evil nature. This is preposterous.
Where have I ever even commented on this???? Why are you raising this with me?
Quote:In my own clarity I see the vacuum of your own utter doubt in any REAL knowledge.
I do not have utter doubt about any REAL knowledge...and I am not sure why you are making this up. But I strongly suspect it has absolutely nothing to do with any real "clarity" of thought on your part, because Rex...there is no clarity of thought on your part.
Quote:For instance God IS good and we are all, humans and animals, created Godly.
Interesting guess. Tell us how you came to guess this.
Quote:I cannot deny God for "nothingness". I have to believe in a "Holy" God.
Well truly, Rex, you don't have to...but you do seem so terrified of the unknown, I can understand why you choose to do so.
Quote:I must go a step further to ensure that my motives and perceptions are not tainted by a malicious doubt and I am not the puppetry of this doubt... So I will know and recognize this God by this God's presupposed good behavior. I will know the character and resemblance to the presumption of an image of love and virtue... So if the Bible paints God out to be evil then it cannot be true or I am not reading the message in the correct way it was intended.
Yes, I understand you are in such terror of this god that you will not allow any doubt to cross your mind. So what is your point?
Quote:You claim God is not known so you leave the possibility open that God in truth could be evil... That is also preposterous.
I'll tell you what is preposterous, Rex. It is preposterous that you have the nerve to attempt to pass off this drivel as intelligent argument.
Quote:This I do not accept. I am not confused about the nature of the true God where in your uncertainty lies a license to reject the God of the Bible rather than search deeper for the true purpose and meaning of the difficult passages.
Yeah...when a passage comes along that you don't simply change it to suit your purposes. I understand that. All theists do it...and it is quite entertaining to watch.
Quote:I find it that your mind is both yin and yang... You are open to the winds of suggestion on any given whim of thought because you have no "guiding" set of "solid" standards which are on the ground floor... again thus the confusion.
You are confused, Rex...I am not.
Quote: Do you choose death over life? Good over evil? God over the devil?
This makes no sense.
Quote:There is no anchor to keep you from floating adrift... Because you refuse or choose that these basic premises are unknown. You can see why I find your predicament rather a reason for needing a basic premise of ideas. Not so much to discover God but to discover the Godliness within yourself.
Take your meds, Rex. You are out of control.