The Problem of Self

Reply Tue 30 Nov, 2004 04:04 am
Frank, you cannot attack yin and yang because you are too baffled... stunned! Do you really not know?
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Reply Tue 30 Nov, 2004 04:08 am
Frank, would you really take evil over truth and life over death?
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Frank Apisa
Reply Tue 30 Nov, 2004 04:33 am
RexRed wrote:
Frank, you cannot attack yin and yang because you are too baffled... stunned! Do you really not know?

Frank, would you really take evil over truth and life over death?


What are you talking about?

I honestly have no idea to what these two items refer.
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Reply Tue 30 Nov, 2004 07:59 am
Frank Apisa wrote:
RexRed wrote:
Frank, you cannot attack yin and yang because you are too baffled... stunned! Do you really not know?

Frank, would you really take evil over truth and life over death?


What are you talking about?

I honestly have no idea to what these two items refer.

Exactly what I asked, the problem of self. Self without God? Life without relative extreme, yin without yang?
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Reply Tue 30 Nov, 2004 08:14 am
RexRed wrote:
Frank Apisa wrote:
RexRed wrote:
Frank, you cannot attack yin and yang because you are too baffled... stunned! Do you really not know?

Frank, would you really take evil over truth and life over death?


What are you talking about?

I honestly have no idea to what these two items refer.

Exactly what I asked, the problem of self. Self without God? Life without relative extreme, yin without yang?

That man/woman kind might be touched with divinity and God may be touched by humanity.
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Frank Apisa
Reply Tue 30 Nov, 2004 10:29 am

...I have absolutely no idea of what you are talking about...

...and I am beginning to suspect we are even on that score!
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Reply Tue 30 Nov, 2004 02:59 pm
Rex, I agree with Frank that it is very difficult to understand your meaning. I'm not saying that your ideas are without merit, only that I cannot understand them. Perhaps a few swipes with Occam's razor might help.
I should add that Frank does not grasp some (my anti-dualistic utterances) of what I say either. But I do not think it is for the same reason that he does not understand you. He simpy cannot take my perspective even though he understands my phrases. But I suspect that he cannot understand your terminology. I would love to see if you can work that out with him. I've failed to do that.
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Reply Tue 30 Nov, 2004 04:47 pm
What's going on? I haven't been this clueless about a thread since I first started! Where did the "evil over truth" thing come from? Please enlighten me... Confused Confused
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Reply Tue 30 Nov, 2004 05:19 pm
Rex appears to have rejected polar dualities,
(life-death, evil-good, yin-yang) towards a religious belief statement which emphases the free independent existence of the poles. He then appeals to Frank to recognise the "obvious" value or "intrinsic truth" of such a belief.

This is the language of the committed...an evangelistic mindset which bolsters itself by "the fight against ignorance" (or the Devil) and the glow of the occasional conversion (reifying his own)...."in true and certain knowledge of redemption".

Rex plays the game of debate to catch his convert,
But don't we all to some extent? :wink:
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Reply Tue 30 Nov, 2004 05:29 pm
THANK YOU, fresco. I had no idea what was going on. I don't know that I'd reject duality as a whole, but I would definitely try to find some common ground, the kind of third-option "gray area".
Rex: You know Frank's going to come down on you hard for demanding he accept your views...I can't wait for this! :wink:
May the best man win, gentlemen! Laughing
Just remember...both views have value, if for no other reason than someone favors them. What amount of value, however, is debatable.
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Reply Tue 30 Nov, 2004 05:54 pm
Well, at least Fresco understands Rex. If anybody could...
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Frank Apisa
Reply Tue 30 Nov, 2004 06:11 pm
I think I will just wait until Rex explains what in hell he is talking about himself.

Rex...if you are taking exception to something I have said...please have the decency to point out the comment I made...and explain in a coherent way what it is with which you disagree.

I will be delighted to comment on whatever comes up...so long as I understand what it is you are saying.
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Reply Tue 30 Nov, 2004 06:48 pm
NB Rex

Technically , although 14 lines, that wasn't a sonnet !

0 Replies
Reply Wed 1 Dec, 2004 01:22 am
Frank Apisa wrote:
I think I will just wait until Rex explains what in hell he is talking about himself.

Rex...if you are taking exception to something I have said...please have the decency to point out the comment I made...and explain in a coherent way what it is with which you disagree.

I will be delighted to comment on whatever comes up...so long as I understand what it is you are saying.


How can I take exception to anything you have said when ultimately there is nothing that you can be nailed down to spiritually... thus the confusion... I marvel at your confusion.

I cannot accept duality because it ultimately claims that woman is evil with a good nature and man is good with an evil nature. This is preposterous.

In my own clarity I see the vacuum of your own utter doubt in any REAL knowledge.

For instance God IS good and we are all, humans and animals, created Godly. I cannot deny God for "nothingness". I have to believe in a "Holy" God. I must go a step further to ensure that my motives and perceptions are not tainted by a malicious doubt and I am not the puppetry of this doubt... So I will know and recognize this God by this God's presupposed good behavior. I will know the character and resemblance to the presumption of an image of love and virtue... So if the Bible paints God out to be evil then it cannot be true or I am not reading the message in the correct way it was intended.

You claim God is not known so you leave the possibility open that God in truth could be evil... That is also preposterous. This I do not accept. I am not confused about the nature of the true God where in your uncertainty lies a license to reject the God of the Bible rather than search deeper for the true purpose and meaning of the difficult passages.

The perception of a righteous God facilitates knowledge of life and how it is to be interpreted and how one's actions are guided by conscience. There is not justification to have virtue if the nature of God is so unknown that one may suppose God may actually exist and be evil. This is why I say I believe and I know God is not evil...

Ephesians 3:19
And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God.

I find it that your mind is both yin and yang... You are open to the winds of suggestion on any given whim of thought because you have no "guiding" set of "solid" standards which are on the ground floor... again thus the confusion. Do you choose death over life? Good over evil? God over the devil? There is no anchor to keep you from floating adrift... Because you refuse or choose that these basic premises are unknown. You can see why I find your predicament rather a reason for needing a basic premise of ideas. Not so much to discover God but to discover the Godliness within yourself.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 1 Dec, 2004 01:33 am
fresco wrote:
Rex appears to have rejected polar dualities,
(life-death, evil-good, yin-yang) towards a religious belief statement which emphases the free independent existence of the poles. He then appeals to Frank to recognise the "obvious" value or "intrinsic truth" of such a belief.

This is the language of the committed...an evangelistic mindset which bolsters itself by "the fight against ignorance" (or the Devil) and the glow of the occasional conversion (reifying his own)...."in true and certain knowledge of redemption".

Rex plays the game of debate to catch his convert,
But don't we all to some extent? :wink:

I think you do understand...
0 Replies
Reply Wed 1 Dec, 2004 01:44 am
fresco wrote:
NB Rex

Technically , although 14 lines, that wasn't a sonnet !


Thanks! I need to shift some lines to correct that... I vaguely remember being taught this but it sliped my mind.

Again thanks

Sonnet of the Soul

It takes passion to expunge lust
And ego to loose the self
It takes honesty to mistrust
And poverty to find wealth

It takes a wrong to be right
And haste to learn patience
It takes darkness to shine light
And noise to hear silence

It takes life to sense death
And youth to reach old age
It takes death to need breath
And peace to calm rage

It takes wanting to show kindness
And emptiness to know bliss

Eric Pedersen
Dec. 01 2004
0 Replies
Reply Wed 1 Dec, 2004 02:15 am
Frank Continued....

It is not that you are full of mundane and insignificant thoughts but that your every shaky spiritual thought is carved by the unknown. You may say... "Anyway, why would you follow a God that stones homosexuals and adulterers?" I say that since God is good... then he must have had damn good reasons for this... I search for the reasons... and I find, he well may have had many good reasons at the time! Also, I find more... I find a God that has sacrificed the things he has dearly loved to give unworthy me the very best. I do not find a vengeful God but a merciful God of grace... I do not find a cartoon but a solid reliable God that I can lean upon in all times and trust.

Ecclesiastes 3:1+17

1 To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:

17 I said in mine heart, God shall judge the righteous and the wicked: for there is a time there for every purpose and for every work.
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Frank Apisa
Reply Wed 1 Dec, 2004 04:14 am
RexRed wrote:
Frank How can I take exception to anything you have said when ultimately there is nothing that you can be nailed down to spiritually... thus the confusion... I marvel at your confusion.

Okay...this is something upon which we can agree. I marvel at your confusion also.

I cannot accept duality because it ultimately claims that woman is evil with a good nature and man is good with an evil nature. This is preposterous.

Where have I ever even commented on this???? Why are you raising this with me?

In my own clarity I see the vacuum of your own utter doubt in any REAL knowledge.

I do not have utter doubt about any REAL knowledge...and I am not sure why you are making this up. But I strongly suspect it has absolutely nothing to do with any real "clarity" of thought on your part, because Rex...there is no clarity of thought on your part.

For instance God IS good and we are all, humans and animals, created Godly.

Interesting guess. Tell us how you came to guess this.

I cannot deny God for "nothingness". I have to believe in a "Holy" God.

Well truly, Rex, you don't have to...but you do seem so terrified of the unknown, I can understand why you choose to do so.

I must go a step further to ensure that my motives and perceptions are not tainted by a malicious doubt and I am not the puppetry of this doubt... So I will know and recognize this God by this God's presupposed good behavior. I will know the character and resemblance to the presumption of an image of love and virtue... So if the Bible paints God out to be evil then it cannot be true or I am not reading the message in the correct way it was intended.

Yes, I understand you are in such terror of this god that you will not allow any doubt to cross your mind. So what is your point?

You claim God is not known so you leave the possibility open that God in truth could be evil... That is also preposterous.

I'll tell you what is preposterous, Rex. It is preposterous that you have the nerve to attempt to pass off this drivel as intelligent argument.

This I do not accept. I am not confused about the nature of the true God where in your uncertainty lies a license to reject the God of the Bible rather than search deeper for the true purpose and meaning of the difficult passages.

Yeah...when a passage comes along that you don't like...you simply change it to suit your purposes. I understand that. All theists do it...and it is quite entertaining to watch.

I find it that your mind is both yin and yang... You are open to the winds of suggestion on any given whim of thought because you have no "guiding" set of "solid" standards which are on the ground floor... again thus the confusion.

You are confused, Rex...I am not.

Do you choose death over life? Good over evil? God over the devil?

This makes no sense.

There is no anchor to keep you from floating adrift... Because you refuse or choose that these basic premises are unknown. You can see why I find your predicament rather a reason for needing a basic premise of ideas. Not so much to discover God but to discover the Godliness within yourself.

Take your meds, Rex. You are out of control.
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Frank Apisa
Reply Wed 1 Dec, 2004 04:23 am
RexRed wrote:
Frank Continued....

It is not that you are full of mundane and insignificant thoughts...

I agree with you on that...and I am sorry I cannot say the same for you. Truly! I would love to see you less confused...and less full of mundane and insignificant thought.

.. but that your every shaky spiritual thought is carved by the unknown.

I suspect every shaky spiritual thought YOU have is carved by the unknown...and by your fear of it.

You may say... "Anyway, why would you follow a God that stones homosexuals and adulterers?" I say that since God is good... then he must have had damn good reasons for this... I search for the reasons... and I find...

Yes I know. You are so terrified of the god that you "find reasons." We call that "rationalization."

...he well may have had many good reasons at the time! Also, I find more... I find a God that has sacrificed the things he has dearly loved to give unworthy me the very best. I do not find a vengeful God but a merciful God of grace... I do not find a cartoon but a solid reliable God that I can lean upon in all times and trust.

Yes I know. Terror will do that to a person.

Stop being afraid, Rex.

You are a good human being apparently with some decent talents.

Live your life...and be as decent a human being as you can be.

Assume that I am doing the same!

Stop trying to slam me because my arguments are causing you difficulties.

I am not the problem. Your fears and your lack of control are what you have to deal with...not me.
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Reply Wed 1 Dec, 2004 10:09 am
Rex: This:
You may say... "Anyway, why would you follow a God that stones homosexuals and adulterers?" I say that since God is good... then he must have had damn good reasons for this... I search for the reasons... and I find, he well may have had many good reasons at the time!

floored me! Are you condoning hate crimes in the name of "God?" That sounds like the rationalization of the KKK to me, and goes against your "loving and merciful" ideal! Please tell me I have misinterpreted you.
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