Wed 27 Oct, 2004 10:20 pm
Out of all the canidates in the democrat primary, I liked kerry the least. Die hard dems please way in.
I'm no Democrat, but I believe I'd vote for the General Wesley Clark if I had the option next week.
I'm no Democrat either, but there's no way I'd vote for Clark. I'd rather vote for Kerry.
I liked Lieberman the best, I suppose.
*stepping aside to let the die hard dems chime in*
I,m a rebuplican . and I have respect for those D. canidates , like dean, sharpton, Lieberman and even Dennis K. Who gave thier point of view, and stuck to it regardless of what I thought of it. We dont have to agree . but it helps when we,re honest
" above the planet on a wing and a prayer," better discribes are national defence situation after the Clinton admin.
This would have been an amazing election season if Dean had been the Democratic nominee.
While Bush is Bush and Kerry is just a plain ol' politician, I think Dean would have had the ability to make many people switch sides: for him and against him.
Some conservatives would have liked him; some liberals would have hated him.
But it would have certainly made for an even more memorabile election...
I think Kerry brings the most gravitas to the ticket. Dean could not be nominated as party did not support a radical. BTW, I liked him.
Lieberman is a proverbial a**ehole. A sort of John McCain-nish, if you allow me. Problem with McCain is that he tries to please almost everybody and ends up pleasing no one, in the end.
Gen.Wec Clark is nice guy, a Clinton protege but no political gravitas.
John Edwards, nice, cool and realistic has given much weight to Kerry on the ticket. I am sure he will deliver the stae to the Dems.
Sharpton makes a nice and likeable person but only on TV. America is not ready-in reality- for an African-American President, in my opinion. Esp. the red meat white males.
Dennis Kucinich lacked national support. Some of the people have never heard of him.
This unknown stuff is irrelevant. Many people never heard of Kerry either. Four years ago, who ever though about George Bush Jr.? A quarter of a Billion Dollars later whoever they picked would be plenty famous. Anyone else would have revealed at least a little something about himself that you could take to the bank. I see nothing in John Kerry that I'm certain will be there next year.
McCain would definitely have been the best Dem for the job.
And Leiberman the best Republican.
georgia brown wrote:" above the planet on a wing and a prayer," better discribes are national defence situation after the Clinton admin.
*bonus points for PF reference.
'I am sure he will deliver the state to the Dems.'
rain, if you mean NC, that won't happen. Kerry is not even contesting this state. Edwards wouldn't have one reelection to the Senate. That's why he threw his hat into the Presidential ring.
Crol Mosley Braun or Dean.....
McCain, but he'll never be a Dem. Sad thing is: I can truthfully say "Anyone but Kerry" and yet not be hypocritical when voting for him. That's how serious the situation has gotten.
Last night I opened the new issue of The New Yorker and read a joint editorial(unprecedented) That ran 4 pages and spelled out why the lesser of two evils is not necessarily evil. We look to our peers for guidance and I have done so.
edited twice for duh spelling