John Kerry: traitor then; traitor now
Part E: War on Terror (2003-2004):
Early in the 2004 presidential campaign, Kerry boasted of having foreign backers. When a prospective voter asked who they are, Kerry arrogantly replied that their identity is "my business, not yours." Subsequently, Kerry received overt endorsements from communist North Korea (Kim Jong Il), communist Cuba (Castro), Al Jazeera (Al Qaeda's news agency), Palestinian terrorist Yassir Arafat, avowed anti-Semitic former Malaysian Prime Minister Mahathir Mohamed, and most importantly theocratic Iran. (E-1)
One of Kerry's foreign backers is the leading symbol to date of terrorism's success, Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero, the newly elected Socialist Worker Party Prime Minister of Spain, who lost no time in pulling Spain's troops out of Iraq. (E-2) Kerry's election would be an even greater victory for Al Qaeda than was Spain.)
As to the war against terror, Kerry has pledged that if elected he will abandon the president's war on terror, begin a dialogue with terrorist regimes and apologize for three-and-one-half years of alleged mistakes by the Bush administration. Kerry had the audacity to tell NBC News as recently as January, 2004 that the terrorist threat against America was "exaggerated." (E-2a) In a sweeping foreign-policy address to the Council on Foreign Relations in December, 2003, Kerry called the U.S. war on terror as conceived and led by President Bush "the most arrogant, inept, reckless and ideological foreign policy in modern history." (E-3) Beginning his dialogue at home, John Kerry has addressed the Muslim Public Affairs Council, an anti-Semitic gang which has defended the terrorist groups Hamas and Hezbollah, and whose cofounder and executive director and cofounder picked 9/11 to proclaim that "we should put the state of Israel on the suspect list" for the al-Qaeda attacks that day that killed more than 3,000 on the U.S. mainland. (E-4)
Kerry would impede the ability of our country to act pre-emptively to remove a foreign threat by requiring an undefined "global test" before we could act. (E-5) He also contends that to demonstrate good faith in the struggle against nuclear proliferation, the U.S. should unilaterally disarm itself by canceling research of "bunker-busting nuclear weapons," useful to wipe out underground nuclear installations built by rogue states like Iran. The obvious result of such a unilateral disarmament would be continued nuclear threats, terrorism and greater loss of life of American and coalition troops. (E-6) Even since 9/11, Kerry's anti-American approach to foreign enemies has not changed. After proposing billions of dollars in cuts to America's intelligence and defense after each of the terrorist attacks against America throughout the '90s, Kerry even proposed a $10 billion cut after 9/11 - $150 million of it just two short months after the attack. (E-6a)
Radio Pyongyang, the official mouthpiece of the North Korean communist dictatorship, broadcasts Kerry's speeches in "glowing terms" and writes, "Pyongyang seems to hope victory for the Democratic candidate on November 2 would lead to a softening in U.S. policy towards the country's nuclear weapons program." (E-7)
A key participant in terrorism's "axis of evil" is the theocratic and increasingly nuclear armed, Shiite regime in Iran. (E-8) Like the Baath party regime in Iraq, Iran is also allied with Al Qaeda (E-9) and also played a role in the September 11 attacks (E-10). "Ever since the Iranian Revolution occurred during Jimmy Carter's presidency a quarter-century ago, Tehran has been hostile to the United States and one of the world's leading supporters of terrorism - providing funding, weapons, training and safe haven to groups like Hezbollah, Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad and even al Qaeda." (E-11) Even today the murderous Iranian regime tops the State Department's list of supporters of international terrorism. (E-12)
While still awaiting Democratic nomination, Kerry secretly e-mailed Iran (via its government-controlled news agency), criticizing his own country's foreign policy and seeking Iranian support for his candidacy. (E-13) Subsequently, at least four Iranian-Americans sympathetic to the Iranian theocracy have taken prominent roles in Kerry's fund-raising. (E-14) For his part, Kerry stated , "as president, I will be prepared early on to explore areas of mutual interest with Iran, just as I was prepared to normalize relations with Vietnam a decade ago." (E-15) He suggested that the Bush administration's unwillingness to bargain with Tehran is to blame for Iran's harboring of al Qaeda operatives. (E-16)
On September 30, 2004 in debating President Bush, Kerry insisted as president he would provide Tehran with the nuclear fuel it wants for a pledge to use it for peaceful purposes only. (E-17) While thus arming Iran, Kerry would deprive America of the "bunker buster" bombs necessary to defend against Iran's violation of its pledge. (E-18) At the same time, Iran's own terrorist organization Hezbollah (as well as Hamas) is the recipient of funds ultimately derived from Teresa Heinz Kerry. (E-19)
For Aryo Pirouznia, who chairs the Student Movement Coordination Committee for Democracy in Iran , Kerry's offer to negotiate with hard-liners in the regime smacks of lunacy. "America is incredibly popular with the Iranian masses, so this is a grave mistake for a short-term benefit," Pirouznia says. "To the regime, this sends a message that America is willing to make a deal despite the blood of Americans who were murdered in Dhahran [Saudi Arabia] and are being killed today in Iraq by so-called foreign elements." (E-20)
Meanwhile, Iran's terrorist stooge in Iraq Moqtada Al Sadr, centered in Najaf, is fighting against America and its coalition allies, one episode resulting in the killing of 20 American GIs in two days. On October 10, 2003 Muqtada al-Sadr announced his intention to form an Islamic state in Iraq by establishing a shadow government there, complete with ministries. Fighting broke out in Karbala on 13 October 2003 when al-Sadr's men attacked supporters of moderate Shi'ite Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani near the Imam Hussein shrine. (E-21) Kerry criticized coalition closure of Al Sadr's newspaper, which had published false stories blaming the coalition forces for local acts of terrorism. Prior to catching himself, Kerry referred to Al Sadr as a "legitimate voice in Iraq." (E-22) The Independent Media Institute (AlterNet), funded by Teresa Heinz Kerry, urged anti-Americans to come to New York City to show rejection of the ongoing war in Iraq by rioting in the streets outside the Republican National Convention. "It's time to bring Najaf [site of the Al Sadr uprising in Iraq] to New York." (E-23)
As he did in Vietnam, Kerry attempts to undermine the morale of our troops in Iraq, suggesting that the Iraq war is one against "the Iraqi people," and is merely a "grand diversion" from the war on terror, as well as
a "colossal error," an "incredible mess," and the "wrong war" in the "wrong place" at the "wrong time."
(E-24) In competing for the Democrat nomination, to the delight of the enemy Kerry stated that rather than a regime change in Iraq, a "regime change" was needed in the United States. (E-25) Parroting enemy propaganda, Kerry characterized the American presence in Iraq as one of "occupation" rather than liberation. (E-26) In one e-mail message received and published by the government-controlled Iranian news agency, Kerry's advisers enlisted overseas Democrats to launch a letter-writing and op-ed campaign denouncing the Bush foreign-policy record. (E-27)
Just as he did during the Vietnam war, Kerry is participating in the enemy's effort to undermine the coalition in Iraq and to de-moralize American troops. (E-28) America's coalition partners are insulted as constituting "mere window dressing," and a ''trumped-up, so-called coalition of the bribed, the coerced, the bought and the extorted" and Iraq's democratic interim prime minister Iyad Alawi is characterized by Joe Lockhart, a Kerry adviser, as "a puppet of the United States." (E-29) Meanwhile, Kerry's sister is in Australia, as is Al Qaeda, both seeking to undermine support for America's ally, Prime Minister John Howard. The goal is to replace Howard with the Labor Party candidate who is pledged to pull Australian troops out of Iraq. In pursuit of that goal, Diana Kerry warned Australia that support for President Bush would increase the terrorist threat to Australia, pointing out that "[t]he most recent attack was on the Australian embassy in Jakarta." (E-30)
Today, world leaders who oppose terrorism are under attack. Tony Blair is under attack in England. John Howard is under attack in Australia. Asnar was defeated in Spain. However, the terrorists' biggest prize has thus far eluded them: George W. Bush in the United States. As stated by James Lileks, "Let's just be blunt: The North Koreans would love to see John Kerry win the election. The mullahs of Iran would love it. The Syrian Ba'athists would sigh with relief. Every enemy of America would take great satisfaction if the electorate rejects the Bush doctrine and scuttles back to hide under the U.N. Security Council's table. It's a hard question, but the right one: Which candidate does our enemy want to lose? George W. Bush." (E-31)
Endnotes to Part E:
E-1: See "Best of the Web Today," by James Taranto, Opinion Journal, Wall Street Journal, March 16, 2004; "The Distinguished List of Kerry Supporters," Ben Shapiro, Town Hall, March 17, 2004; "An endorsement Kerry didn't want," Valley Morning Star, March 7, 2004 [re Kim Jong-il]; "Al Jazeera Praises Kerry," Carl Limbacher and NewsMax.com Staff, March 16, 2004; "Yasser Arafat endorses Kerry," by Aaron Klein,
http://worldnetdaily.com, October 18, 2004; "Castro Backs Kerry," Carl Limbacher and NewsMax.com Staff, Aug. 9, 2004; "John Kerry's Foreign Friends," By Mark Landsbaum, FrontPageMagazine.com, April 21, 2004 [Mahathir Mohamed].
E-2: See "Kerry reaches out to a world," by Ewen MacAskill, and Luke Harding in Berlin, The Guardian, March 10, 2004.)
E-2a: See "Bossie Exposes 'The Many Faces of John Kerry,'" by Paige McKenzie, NewsMax.com Wires, Aug. 20, 2004.
E-3: See "Kerry would abandon terror war," WorldNetDaily, March 2, 2004.
E-4: See "Kerry Squeezing Wife's Ketchup Connections for All They're Worth ," Insight, April 12, 2004.
E-5: See "Putting Kerry to His 'Global Test,'" by Larry Kudlow, Town Hall, October 1, 2004.)
E-6: See "The Most Important Comment of the Debate," by Roger L. Simon, September 30, 2004.
E-6a: See "Bossie Exposes 'The Many Faces of John Kerry,'" by Paige McKenzie, NewsMax.com Wires, Aug. 20, 2004.
E-7: See "John Kerry's Foreign Friends," By Mark Landsbaum, FrontPageMagazine.com | April 21, 2004, quoting the London Financial Times.
E-8: See "The Nuclear Axis of Evil," by Michael Ledeen, National Review On Line, May 12, 2003; "It's Almost Too Late to Stop Iran," by Henry Sokolsky, Opinion Journal, Wall Street Journal, September 27, 2004.
E-9: See "9/11 Commission Finds Ties Between al-Qaeda and Iran," by Adam Zagorin and Joe Klein, Time On Line Ed., Jul. 16, 2004 [Al Qaeda links];
E-10: See "Defector Points Finger at Iran in September 11 Plot," by Kenneth R. Timmerman, Insight, Feb. 4, 2004; "US looking into whether Iran involved in September 11 plot," New Zealand Herald, October 7, 2004; "Surprise witness to link Iran to September 11 hijacks," by John Crewdson, Cam Simpson, The Age (Australia), January 23, 2004.
E-11: See "Kerry and the Ayatollahs," The Washington Times, March 1, 2004. )
E-12: See "Kerry Will Abandon War on Terrorism," by Kenneth R. Timmerman, Insight, March 1, 2004.
E-13: See "Kerry Says He Will Repair Damage If He Wins Election ," Tehran Times, Mehr News Agency, February 8, 2004; "Iranian News Agency Alleges John Kerry Sends Email Message," Middle East Media Research Institute, February 11, 2004.
E-14: See "John Kerry's Iranian-American Fund-Raisers," by Kenneth R. Timmerman, Insight, March 1, 2004.
E-15: See "Persian Power," by Peter Brookes, Military.com, September 13, 2004.
E-16: See "Kerry and the ayatollahs," The Washington Times, March 01, 2004.
E-17: See "Money trail behind Kerry's Iran stance", WorldNetDaily.com, October 3, 2004.
E-18: See "The Most Important Comment of the Debate," by Roger L. Simon, September 30, 2004.
E-19: See "Heinz Kerry-Funded Web Site Praises Hezbollah," by Carl Limbacher and NewsMax.com Staff, June 15, 2004 [Hezbollah]; "Teresa Heinz Kerry: Bag Lady for the Radical Left," by Ben Johnson, FrontPageMagazine.com, Feb. 13, 2004 [Hamas]; "57 Varieties of Radical Causes, Part I," by Ben Johnson,
FrontPageMagazine.com, September 16, 2004.
E-20: See "Kerry Will Abandon War on Terrorism," By Kenneth R. Timmerman, Insight, March 1, 2004.
E-21: See "Muqtada al-Sadr," © 2000-2004 GlobalSecurity.org, maintained by John Pike.
E-22: See "Kerry: Terrorist Shiite Al-Sadr 'a Legitimate Voice,'" by Carl Limbacher and NewsMax.com Staff, April 7, 2004.
E-23: See "57 Varieties of Radical Causes, Part II," by Ben Johnson, FrontPageMagazine.com, September 17, 2004.
E-24: See "Kennedy, Kerry offer troops little support," by Ken Johnson,
www.eagletribune.com, April 11, 2004 ["war against the Iraqi people"]; "Why a John Kerry Presidency Would Lead to Doom in Iraq," by John Hawkins,
www.chronwatch.com, October 04, 2004 ["grand diversion"]; "Putting Kerry to His 'Global Test'" by Larry Kudlow, National Review On Line, October 01, 2004.
E-25: See "Kerry's 'Regime Change' Comments Draw Fire," Fox News, April 3, 2003.
E-26: See "Senator Kerry: End US Occupation of Iraq," Agence France-Presse, 16 July 2003.
E-27: See "Kerry Will Abandon War on Terrorism," by Kenneth R. Timmerman, Insight, March 1, 2004.
E-28: See "Kerry's mistakes," by Debra J. Saunders, San Francisco Chronicle, July 4, 2004.
E-29: See "Kerry: Fifteen Percent of Coalition deaths just 'Window Dressing,'"
www.dailynewsbrief.com, March 17, 2004; "Kerry: Bush should bend on Iraq," By Thomas Beaumont, Des Moines Register, March 9, 2003; "A Not-So-Phony Coalition: Does Kerry think insults will win allies?," by Gerard Baker, Weekly Standard, September 20, 2004, Volume 010, Issue 02; "Why a John Kerry Presidency Would Lead to Doom in Iraq," by John Hawkins,
www.chronwatch.com, October 04, 2004.
E-30: See "The Art Of Losing Friends," by Charles Krauthammer, Washington Post, September 24, 2004; Page A25."
E-31: See James Lileks,