Re: Where questions about Bush
I'm not a Bush supporter but I don't support Kerry either, yet BS like this still gets on my nerves. I'll hit the easiest ones since i have to go to lunch shortly.
GreatBlue wrote:Where are the 380 tons of explosives we were supposed to be guarding in Iraq?
Guarding? They weren't there when our troops arrived, how could we have been guarding them?
US: No Explosives When GIs Arrived
Quote:Where is the coalition Bush imagines?
Off the top of my head UK, Japan, Australia. Therer are more, but a simple search by you should turn these up.
Quote:Where are the casualties that our cameras are not allowed to photograph?
First off, casualties have been photgraphed, interviewed, etc; there's really very little restriction on that. The "no photos" policy you're referring to is likely that of flag draped coffins being transported. Said ban was instituted in 1991, you can't blame Bush for that one, try again.
Quote:Where is the respect that the rest of the world once held for the United States?
Are you saying that the world used to respect the US, but no longer does? Please clarify.
Quote:Where is our flu vaccine?
Got to your doctor's office.
Quote:Where is our health insurance?
Ayone can purchase health insurance either from a private company or through their employer. The government already supplies more than enough insurance, anyone else should work and pay for it instead of expecting other taxpayers to foot the bill.
Quote:Where is Bush's respect for law, for the constitution?
I don't know, but a lack of respect of the Constitution sems to be a common trait among many politicians these days.
Quote:Where are the votes that elected Al Gore?
That horse is long dead, put the club away. Gore was not elected, give it up.