Magus wrote:Woohoo and McGTricks are remarkably in synch with their posting style, posting frequency and posting content.
McGTricks, on another recent thread, attempted to imply that I was a "paranoid" "dope" abuser.
How transparent!
Didja know that SOME people have multiple computers... which they use to create multiple cyberIDs... and then exploit to propagate the illusion that their singular opinon is a consensus!
Y'see, think themselves BRILLIANT... and that none others have the percipience or intelligence to detect the PATTERN.
Freaking conniving FRAUD-types are best handled by unmasking them... expose the con-artists and you dilute the impact of their con-jobs.
"Expel the Nixon Cabal in 2004!"
Why don't you state a charge, instead of merely implying one? Why are you dancing around talking about "some people" doing this, calling them "fraud-types"? Have the courage to state a specific accusation rather than just making vague implications you can't substantiate.
As best I can tell the only basis you might have for making that impication is that woiyo told Dookie to "get off the Kool-Aid," and you're implying a similarity to McG calling you a "paranoid dope abuser."
By my count you are now implying that McGentrix has at least 2 alter-egos on this site, having earlier accused him of also being dhudlud37:
Magus wrote:dhuluded posts an article of the ilk usually supplied by McGentricks... and encounters skeptical criticism.
Does dhuluded reply?
NO... but >>McG<< steps up to the plate.
One might infer that SOME posters are employing duplicitous methods to forward a duplicitous agenda.
I recall a uncannily similar campaign by unprincipled partisans which contaminated ABuzz... it had a PERMANENT effect upon that site.
I'd really hate to watch a re-enactment of that Farce here at A2K.
I suggest you quit taking the cowardly route, make your charge and be prepared to make your case, and present any evidence you have to support your claim.