The idea of a "mother ship" seems quaint at this point compared to the possibility of a thousand tiny wormholes opening up between Earth and Mars, and billions of centimeter long, anti-matter driven, self-replicating, quantum Drones pouring out and ignoring Earth completely while starting to digest our asteroid belt and transport elements back through dimensional slip space.
It seems more likely however that the most exciting news to come from any extra-solar planet is going to be the detection of organic trace gasses in the atmosphere. If it gets super exciting it'll be the detection of chlorophyl or something like that.
If we are very lucky the most exciting thing we'll find is microbes. Because if it's the other thing, and if we (the observer) are detected, then we're highly likely to be outclassed and outmatched to the point of not even knowing what it is that's killing us, assuming we linger long enough to even know it's happening.