Ecology and the Rainforest - Preservation or Destruction?

Reply Sun 14 Nov, 2004 04:28 pm
we are indeed amazing

New Response to "Rainforest # 17 : "

Added on Fri Sep 27 3:03 PM EDT 2002

5# bsegui 4.481 acres

6# aktbird57 177 4.446 acres

Our team consists of our leader, Andrew T.,
and 179 (at last count) friends (that's us).
0 Replies
Reply Sun 14 Nov, 2004 06:03 pm
Like I said...Our team is amazing! Very Happy

I was looking at the CNN website and found this article on the front page. Looks intregueing to me:

Lost city of Atlantis found?
Researcher claims ruins are in the Mediterranean
Sunday, November 14, 2004

... "We found more than 60-70 points that are a perfect match with Plato's detailed description of the general layout of the acropolis hill of Atlantis. The match of the dimensions and the coordinates provided by our sonar with Plato's description are so accurate that, if this is not indeed the acropolis of Atlantis, then this is the world's greatest coincidence," he said.

Tests of that part of the seabed showed it had once been above sea level, he said.

"We cannot yet provide tangible proof in the form of bricks and mortar as the artifacts are still buried under several meters of sediment at a depth of 1,500 meters (1,640 yards), but the evidence is now irrefutable," he added.

Asked if the ruins could not be that of another city that sank beneath the waves, Sarmast said the remains match Plato's description of Atlantis so closely that they could not be anything else....

full story's here
0 Replies
Reply Sun 14 Nov, 2004 06:23 pm
Finally a clicks after a day with no web access.....

Am wishing and hoping and wishing and praying for Husker....... Gut Gesundheit Huski.

That sheepskin's really great - I have one in my study (where I'm now) that I have my feet on!!!! It's really nice!! Especially in Winter when the term "Warm and Fuzzy" takes on a whole new and different meaning!!!!!!

Good to see everyone......!!!!!!!

Matrix - what a great link!! - I love speculative history (when it fits reality) It makes for good thought.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 14 Nov, 2004 07:00 pm
Danon - did you manage to fix your computer problems?

This is a map of eastern Med, can't post it directly because it's from a high-security site and can't be copied:

Atlantis supposed to be located at 35 East, 35 North on the grid.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 14 Nov, 2004 07:29 pm
That's very interesting HofT........ I recall reading many years ago about a possible explanation for the Biblical reference to the "parting of the Red Sea" which allowed the Biblical "Exodus". Please notice that the proposed "Atlantis" is NNW of the mouth of the Nile River on the N Coase of Egypt. Other investigators have guessed that the event was a sudden receding of the waters on the E side of the Nile at what is now the Suez Canal but back then was flooded marshland. Investigators have guessed that the event was caused by volcanic action to the NW of the site. That's where the new "Atlantis" discovery hopes lie...!!! That could have caused the water in the marsh area to recede and later come back as a tidal wave. If all that proves to be true - then we have hope that the "Exodus" of the Bible may be based upon a fact. So far, to my knowledge - none exists. Anyone know of such??

Have you tried Mapquest?

I fixed my computer problem with a new computer. It was as good an excuse as any to get a new toy. <G>

But am having some probs with the new compy. First it wouldn't recognise it had a drive that I could plainly see in front of me - then, after a radical "fix" - it failed to give me access to the internet!!!!! I've been at my post on the telephone here in front of the 'thing' all day. It's just now given me permission to talk to you all. Am keeping fingers and all crossed. Hey!! It's only plastic and metal!!!! With some electrons coursing through it's veins!!!!

I love perspectives.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 14 Nov, 2004 07:47 pm
Thanks Matrix for interesting link regarding Atlantis!

EhBeth, thanks for the stats! The team moving right along! Smile

Helen and Danon,

The parting of the Red Sea and the subsequent escape of thousands of Jewish slaves, which is described in the Bible's book of Exodus, can be explained by science, according to two Russian researchers.

The study, published in the Bulletin of the Russian Academy of Sciences, is one of the first to examine the event using oceanography, weather patterns, and mathematical calculations.

Naum Volzinger, senior researcher at the St. Petersburg Institute of Oceanology, and colleague Alexei Androsov of Hamburg, determined that a reef runs from Egypt to the north side of the Red Sea. They believe the reef used to be much closer to the surface during Biblical times at approximately 1500 B.C.

The Red Sea from space
0 Replies
Reply Sun 14 Nov, 2004 09:05 pm
Atlantis! What a place for imagination to go wild. If this find is for real, it will be something that we all will follow with childlike enthusiasm for years to come. Helen, your Navy map was fascinating and made me feel like I was sort of "In the know!"

Matrix, Myth Busters is on our must watch list after your description--sounds like fun.

Just got off the phone with Sumac. She has had problems with clinical depression for many years (and has given me permission to mention it here). Because of a series of serious setbacks coming down all at once, financial and emotional, she sometimes isolates herself and doesn't reach out to friends for long periods of time. After the election, like most of us here, she was horribly depressed on top of her current depression. She was touched that you all have been worried and said that she will try to get back on the computer as soon as possible. I told her how worried all of us have been and that we look forward to 'hearing' her voice on a2k.

Thanks to ehBeth for all the stats on our clicks. IT is encouraging to see the progress in black and white.

Bailey and Cleo are lucky indeed to have a mommy like you.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 14 Nov, 2004 10:00 pm
Congrats on the new computer, danon! Now, all you two have to do is learn how to play nice together... Laughing
I love stuff like this thing on Atlantis, too! Can't get enough of it if it seems like they might really have a hit on it. We'll just have to keep watching.

Thanks for the link to the great map! very interisting!

Interesting research you cited. Cool picture, too!

Hi, Diane...
Nice to see you again! Mythbusters is a blast! I'll think you'll get a kick out of it.

Thank you so much for the update on Sumac...and, please thank her for allowing you to share with us why she's been missing for a while. Please let her know that we understand and we're just relieved to know she's alright and that we'll be waiting for her here whenever she feels up to joining us again. We truly miss her presence, but her health comes before anything else and we want her to take good care of herself. Please give her our love and best wishes...Thanks!
0 Replies
Reply Sun 14 Nov, 2004 10:07 pm
And, for all of you who are interested in more info on the Atlantis story, here are some articles from the Scottsman.com that are pretty good:

Expert puts Atlantis on Cyprus coast
Sun 14 Nov 2004

Nation gods found too decadent and plunged under the sea
Mon 15 Nov 2004

Lost city of Atlantis 'found' off the coast of Cyprus
Mon 15 Nov 2004
0 Replies
Reply Sun 14 Nov, 2004 10:13 pm
I'm glad you have gotten in touch with sumac. CD is not a thing to be taken lightly....... I can certainly understand the setback after the election. That one had me taken aback. I do really hope that she returns to the Wildclicker's haven here.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 14 Nov, 2004 10:15 pm
Matrix and Dannon, I've sent her your responses; I know about CD and I also know that your kind words will be very healing.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 14 Nov, 2004 11:00 pm
Diane, please tell sumac we're sending her good thoughts and prayers. We appreciate your sending her message. Thankyou.

Matrix, you are a well of information! Learning about the real Atlantis will be quite the adventure. omg, I can see the artifacts now! Smile

It's quite amazing how technology brings what was only a mystery for centuries to light AND to our tv monitors at the same time!!! I luv viewing the "Discovery" "Science" and "National Geographic" channels.

Thanks Helen and Matrix and all for the great links and information.

Danon, good luck with your new computer!

Have a good evening all ~
0 Replies
Reply Mon 15 Nov, 2004 07:59 am
This is Plato's description of the disappearance of Atlantis:

"Now in this island of Atlantis there was a
great and wonderful empire which had rule over the whole island and
several others, and over parts of the continent, and, furthermore, the
men of Atlantis had subjected the parts of Libya within the columns of
Heracles as far as Egypt, and of Europe as far as Tyrrhenia. This vast
power, gathered into one, endeavoured to subdue at a blow our
country and yours and the whole of the region within the straits;
........ But afterwards there occurred violent
earthquakes and floods; and in a single day and night of misfortune
all your warlike men in a body sank into the earth, and the island
of Atlantis in like manner disappeared in the depths of the sea. For
which reason the sea in those parts is impassable and impenetrable,
because there is a shoal of mud in the way; and this was caused by the
subsidence of the island."


See y'all next week.
0 Replies
Reply Mon 15 Nov, 2004 09:42 am
Hoft, excellent link!

Have a good day all ~

0 Replies
Reply Mon 15 Nov, 2004 09:47 am
Great link HofT......

See ya later alligator.

All clickeeeeed..
0 Replies
Reply Mon 15 Nov, 2004 10:15 am
Dannon and HofT, do you know if that part of the Mediterranean is difficult to navigate? This is so interesting.

0 Replies
Reply Mon 15 Nov, 2004 06:02 pm
aktbird57 -

You and your 282 friends have supported 1,618,634.5 square feet!

Marine Wetlands habitat supported: 48,852.4 square feet.
You have supported: (32,847.4)
Your 282 friends have supported: (16,005.0)

American Prairie habitat supported: 31,784.9 square feet.
You have supported: (9,082.7)
Your 282 friends have supported: (22,702.2)

Rainforest habitat supported: 1,537,997.2 square feet.
You have supported: (157,656.1)
Your 282 friends have supported: (1,380,341.2)
0 Replies
Reply Tue 16 Nov, 2004 07:44 am
I haven't been to that part of the Med yet. Our plans for our next visit to Vienna includes a trip there. The offer to go is just toooooo good. From Vienna a bus takes us to Bratislava where we board an airplane to a Med island like Cyprus. We stay there 7 days and 6 nights with the round trip air - hotel - two meals per day for $250. It's an offer we can't refuse. There are many other places to go through this program - like 3days 2nights to London for $50. etc.

All clicked..............
0 Replies
Reply Tue 16 Nov, 2004 08:51 am
"our next visit to Vienna..."


Love your photo sessions, Danon. What a cute kid! Your mama must have been proud.

I checked out that Sacred Texts link (hadn't the first time around) and it is a keeper. Thanks, Helen.

0 Replies
Reply Tue 16 Nov, 2004 01:27 pm
Just a quick update - after some conferencing, it appears that more flowers wouldn't have been apropos, so I've ordered a box of chocolates and some specialty bars from Samaki.

I just spoke to Jennifer there (she is also in Alberta), and she will attach a note indicating that the treats are from the rainforest.

Rosemary Whisper chocolates, anyone? or Mexican Hot Chocolate?
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