Ecology and the Rainforest - Preservation or Destruction?

Merry Andrew
Reply Sat 23 Oct, 2004 08:12 am
Haven't been up that way in many, many a moon, Ms. Cleo. Wonder if they still serve those great shrimp cocktails at the Officers' Club.
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Reply Sat 23 Oct, 2004 08:13 am
There is an unusually large number of us clicking early this Saturday morning..............

Great clicking!!!!

Merry Andrew,
Thanks for the Navajo song - it brings back memories of my childhood in W Texas. My Mom took me to the Navajo Hogans where I watched the women weave rugs - and, remember Cobalt? She stopped by our home here in E Texas a while ago and excitedly told me about her visit to Toyah, TX and looking in the old abandoned School house there and how neat it was. I said, yes, I was there as a child and remember going into the building and sitting on the floor in front of a really big Indian Chief all dressed in his buckskins and wearing a very large warbonnet of real eagle feathers. He spoke to us - but I don't remember what he said. I was about 4 yrs old at the time. Cobalt was amazed that someone had actually been to such an obscure place - what were the odds.
I think that may have begun my facination with American Indians.

Thanks for the links Matrix and HofT!!!

Hi Joan Lee,
Glad you are with us again.

All good clicks come to those who deserve them!!!

I don't know of a way - except to have the other site deleted by someone with the power to do so.
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Reply Sat 23 Oct, 2004 08:49 am
Hi Joan_Lee, welcome to the new rainforest thread!

Great poetry eBeth and MerryA!

Hoft, will check the link thread this afternoon. <dashing out the door for most of the day>

Matrix, thanks so much for the news! After work I'll have more time for sitting at the computer and reading all your links.

wildclickers, did i mention you all are the greatest bunch of folks Very Happy

all clilcked
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Reply Sat 23 Oct, 2004 09:03 am
danon, I'm pretty sure a moderator can add the 'featured' message to this thread, without deleting the other thread. I'm just not sure how to make the request without pm's - I don't want to 'report' the thread. Must poke about at the bottom of the page some more. I know there were/are directions for this.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 23 Oct, 2004 09:10 am
I did a help desk request to have this thread featured.

M. Andre, I was within spitting distance of Fort Drum just about a week ago. The thousand islands and the bridge were gorgeous - with the changing colours and hills in the distance.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 23 Oct, 2004 11:30 am
Will be overseas and not posting until after the election, so pls don't mind if questions to me aren't answered immediately. Thanks.
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Reply Sat 23 Oct, 2004 11:51 am
Thanks for the new thread, danon5. I'm still here, still clicking.
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Reply Sat 23 Oct, 2004 11:54 am

Howdy!!! It's me... pfkflyer, renamed for ease of pronunciation. Good to see you here!!
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Reply Sat 23 Oct, 2004 01:11 pm
ehBeth, I figured you could do whatever's needed - it appears that the less used threads fall behind in the index.

Hi Piffka!! Really good to hear from you!! How's the puppy?

Hi Aa, Hope to see you more often....

Oh, ehBeth, nice hat.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 23 Oct, 2004 01:23 pm
Hey Danon!!!!
The puppy(s) are all grown-up and the very best of friends (thanks for asking). Time goes by, doesn't it? My dog-girls can be found in the gallery -- Poppy and Penny.

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Reply Sat 23 Oct, 2004 03:17 pm
A two-month old Amur baby tiger is held by his mother at Tama Zoo in Tokyo, October 23, 2004. The endangered Amur tiger is mostly found in forests in the Russian Far East region.

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Merry Andrew
Reply Sat 23 Oct, 2004 03:28 pm
Stradee -- awwwwww. So cute.
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Reply Sat 23 Oct, 2004 03:41 pm
Wow!! Last time I saw them they were much smaller...... Nice photo.

Now that is a real Mother. Just look at the love in those eyes!

Hi MA.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 23 Oct, 2004 04:08 pm
oooooh, piff, i love it. your girls look like miss cleo - but big girl versions!

Aa - glad to see your newbie face again! (I can see you're clicking, from inside the account, but seeing someone's click count go up is NOT the same as 'talking' to them)
0 Replies
Reply Sat 23 Oct, 2004 04:08 pm
Matrix, thanks for the new links! The Mt. St Helen overlapping photos <from 1989-1990> spectacular! Geological changes quite amazing.

Not surprising the company responsible for the oil spill isn't exactly rushing to the Coast Guard office with an endorced check. Governor Locke's plan does sound like a good one though - also allowing citizens and enviornmentalists the opportunity for keeping a close watch on the oil tankers utilizing Puget Sound Straits.

A Win For The Tongass

Between the timber industry's demands to log it and the
Forest Service's eager acquiescence, there's been little good
news for the Tongass National Forest in Alaska.

But our largest national forest got a break this week when a
federal appeals court blocked construction of new roads to
facilitate a timber sale there.

The Wilderness Society and other conservation groups sued to stop the road
construction and to protect a roadless area. The decision blocks, at least
temporarily, logging on 380 acres that would have damaged over 9 square miles
of old-growth forest. That stand is the only remaining intact watershed in an
area known as Thorne Arm. The rest has been logged before and wildlife habitat
and fisheries have paid the price.

In pressing for the timber sale, the Forest Service overstated the need for timber
to support local mills.

The court will hold a hearing on the matter in February.

Regarding the oil drilling - Riders attached to appropriation bills are a menace! We've tried unsuccessfully to ban the use of Riders because they are generally attached to a bill without notice - the bill then submitted to the floor for a vote.

Luna's become quite the celebrity! Will check the new issue of Smithsonian and their website. Thanks for all the neat info! Very Happy

Piffka, your babies adorable!
0 Replies
Reply Sat 23 Oct, 2004 04:10 pm
That's not a hat, that's a shoe!


I got tired of waiting for Jer to show up (I need his help putting a piece of blue cheese on my deerhuahua avatar) so I went browsing around. Did a google on "high hat" - and then linked to this fella with his shoe on his head.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 23 Oct, 2004 04:53 pm
ehBeth and MA ~ the tiger mom and baby was too cute not to share with ya all Smile

Hi Aa! Glad you dropped in to say 'hi'! We miss your posts!

Justsusan, completely understand your sound advise about writing everything down on paper for your family. My mom and dad were very thoughtful to have drawn a Will, then when dad passed, mom converted everthing to a Living Trust. When mom passed, The Trust spelled out to the letter my moms wishes for her estate. Appointed Trustee, I also
had to deal with a relative from hell <Matrix can relate> and no matter what I did to make the transition easier, including dispersing funds, the relative was still a complete and total pain in the butt. So much so, one day she ended up sitting in a bowl of cat water. I'm ashamed to admit
my patience had finally been tested to the limit.

Today, we laugh about the incident. Faith endures Smile
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Reply Sat 23 Oct, 2004 05:29 pm
Hi ehBeth -- Yep, the Chow-Girls, especially Penny, remind me a lot of Cleo. Good dogs, these Spitz-types, with loads of personality.

Stradee -- thanks for noticing my girls. They hardly compare to the Amur Tigers, but they are well-loved.

Missing the reference about Luna. Is that the Redwood Tree and young woman who is trying to save it, or the little lost orca from the L-Pod? Both are dear to my heart.
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Reply Sat 23 Oct, 2004 06:14 pm
Helen, I'm still not understanding how the Dred Scott decision relates to marine mammals. In Dred Scott vrs. Sanford, a free 'negro' of the United States who was brought to this country and sold as slaves, is not a 'citizen' within the meaning of the Constitution of the United States.
When the Constitution was adopted, they were not regarded in any of the States as members of the community which constituted the State, and were not numbered among its 'people or citizens.' Consequently, the special rights and immunities guarantied to citizens do not apply to 'them' . And not being 'citizens' within the meaning of the Constitution, they are not entitled to sue in that character in a court of the United States, and the Circuit Court has not jurisdiction in such a suit. <The Law Of The Land>

After the suit filed against the Navy, and the Navy admitted the Canary Island strandings were the direct result of the sonar - there was a ban against using high frequency sonar blasts, citing the Marine Mammal Protection Act. <only 10% of the ocean could be used for high frequecy testing> but after the study period, the ban was lifted>

Enter the Department of Defenses' Readiness and Range Preservation
Initiative (RRPI) which establishes the right of the military to BYPASS
parts of the Marine Mammal Protection Act, The Migratory Bird Treaty Act, The Endangered Species Act, The National Enviornmental Protection Act, The Clean Air Act, and the Clean Water Act.


The DoD's changes to the federal Superfund law will effectively absolve DoD of any responsibility for toxic releases under the law, remove EPA's ability to enforce Superfund regulations on military training sites, and undercut state power to collect damages from the DoD when toxic munitions contamination affects public resources including wildlife, fisheries, and public recreational lands.

The only defense divers or whales have when the army begins blasting sonar is - eek and run.
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Reply Sat 23 Oct, 2004 06:40 pm
Piffka, how can one not notice your girls! They are so cute! Very Happy

From Matrixs' post a few pages ago with info regarding Luna

In the November 2004 Smithsonian Magazine which I received in the mail today, there is an article titled, Luna: The Whale That Adopted a Village. It's several pages long and has some great pictures. If you don't get the magazine, the current (November) issue will eventually show up on the Smithsonian Institution's web site located here:


When it does, you'll be able to access the magazine's articles by clicking on the Smithsonian Magazine logo on the left side of the page, so keep looking for it.[/quote]
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