Never change schools because of a relationship that isn't marriage or an engagement or very long-term living together (as in, over 2 years - and I mean living together, not dating). Why? Because you need to get through school and not be distracted. And if you are going to a school which is better for your studies or your future employment prospects, then you definitely don't want to be up and leaving.
What matters with college educations is, go where:
- You can best afford to go without going into debt forever.
- You can get the most prestigious degree as a lot of graduate school admissions committees and employers are, at heart, snobs and crave the reflected cachet. However, the University of X versus the University of Y won't matter much. But when it comes to Ivy League schools, or the top school for a particular field, it pays to go into hock. For some areas, if the local job scene is particularly tribal, then it may pay to go to the best area school. For lawyers, unless they can get into an Ivy League, that's often the best bet, as employment can be heavily based on networking and on an employer's perception that you'll stick around.
- You can get the best possible placement, either into a graduate school or a first job or both.
- You get the best program and courses to prepare you for either work or graduate study, as you desire.
- If you play sports which could be played for money, go wherever the best program is, if that is your desire. A basketball-playing friend went to Kentucky for that very reason, although he could have gone elsewhere.
The rest of it is little nagging details, but the common thread here is your future after school.