Dear Mr. Bush: I cannot support you in 2004

Reply Wed 20 Oct, 2004 06:50 pm
Your fiscal policies are irrational and dangerousHarvard Business-Open Letter to the President. In fact, your ratings have been almost universally poor amongst professional and academic economists. The Economist-Poll of EconomistsBut you didn't pay enough attention to the facts, and you continue to commit this sinCNN-Revised 2003 figuresMSNBC-2004 figures as of Sept. We have also witnessed a huge failure in nuclear non-proliferation (Iran/N.Korea). Instead of taking a balanced approach to our war on terrorism (i.e. dealing with already identified terrorist threats, strengthening rebuilding efforts in Afghanistan, and asserting a stronger anti-terrorist stance with regards to the regimes in Iran and Saudi Arabia), you focused our efforts almost entirely on Iraq, and you offered only weak evidence and a shifting rationale for the war on that country. You frittered away our political and moral capital. The unipolar dream, with a strong Amercian leadership of the world, has never been so distant since the cold war. We need to wipe the slate clean in this next election. Perhaps we can revive the dream of American world leadership, but the taint of this administration can only bury it.

3. Your treatment of internal dissent within your cabinet and agencies has not been healthy or productive. While you management style is refreshingly decisive, the downside of this decisiveness is that you appear to come to conclusions before you see the facts (or even the questions). Many have criticized your close-minded approach. Wash. Post-Bush's Leadersip Style: Decisive or SimplisticKnight-Ridder- Suppressing, Distorting Science; The Observer-Bush covers up climate research; CBS- W.House Edited Greenhouse Report. In keeping with the appallingly high-turn around in our agencies, Christine Todd Whitman left the EPA. It worries me that so many in your administration have resigned, been fired, or been muffled.

The clear message that you have sent to many (if not all) of the major agencies is "shut up or get out." To return to Mr. Reagan, he also had a strained relationship with his agencies, but this was partly because he intended to trim their budgets. Mr. Reagan had a coherent policy of deregulation. You have shown neither a desire to trim budgets nor any honest attempts to deregulate. Do you have any sort of coherent plan?

5. To conclude, let me emphasize this last part: You, Mr. Bush, are no Ronald Reagan. I don't know what you are. You're certainly not small government; you're not libertarian; you're not a Clintonian technocrat; you're not a uniter or a moderate (as you once claimed). You're a hodgepodge of incoherent policies, and you're unwilling to critically look at those policies.

I hope to see you on the ranch in 2005!

Yours Truly,
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Type: Discussion • Score: 1 • Views: 574 • Replies: 9
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Reply Wed 20 Oct, 2004 07:51 pm
Woo-hoo! We get a lot more cut and paste than original, grammatical, well-written screeds. Nice to see. (And I agree!)
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Reply Wed 20 Oct, 2004 08:20 pm
My pleasure Smile
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Reply Wed 20 Oct, 2004 09:25 pm
All the things i wanted to say but didn't know how.

A remarkably succinct and lucid overview of the Dubya presidency.

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Reply Wed 20 Oct, 2004 11:33 pm
Good work. I like grammatical too. I don't agree with the first paragraph, but I like the rest. If a foreigner may be permitted an opinion here.

Interesting, that although Bush and Kerry are said to be 50/50 in the US polls, the worldwide opinion is about 10/90 or worse, Bush:Kerry.

I still think his alliance with this invasion will be the end of Tony Blair in this country.
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Reply Wed 20 Oct, 2004 11:51 pm
I figured this for a copy paste all the way to the signature. Well written, and I suspect, destined to be copypasted onto other forums.
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neue regel
Reply Thu 21 Oct, 2004 06:54 am
I find much to agree with....but how can I, in good conscience, vote for John Kerry on the basis that I don't think Bush is conservative ENOUGH? IMO, that completely goes against logic.
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Reply Thu 21 Oct, 2004 06:59 am
A protest vote is fine. Do whatever your conscience tells you.

I have a friend who has been a steadfast Bush supporter, and I sent him the long NYT magazine article to see what he thought of it. He sent back a spirited rebuttal and then at the end said that he would have written a MUCH BETTER article about how terrible Bush is, and listed a lot of (very compelling) reasons. I'd been all set to try to convince him not to vote for Bush, but he was already there. I'm kind of trying to nudge him into the Kerry column, but really a protest vote -- one vote LESS for Bush even if it's not one vote MORE for Kerry -- makes me happy.
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Reply Thu 21 Oct, 2004 07:00 am
My new favorite line:

War is a rough instrument for social change, Mr. President
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Reply Thu 21 Oct, 2004 08:04 am
I too am delighted to see such an original well written post. What makes it even better is that I agree 100%.
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