Last things first, if I may:
blueSky wrote:
Quote:Yes, I know you think meditation is the best place to begin
You got it wrong. I said, I share your agnostic position and it ( the agnostic attitude) is the best place to begin meditation (aka exploration)
You are absolutely correct, BlueSky...I did misread your comment.
I apologize for not being more careful.
I pointblank DO NOT KNOW if religion
or meditation
CAN GIVE ANY INSIGHTS INTO THESE UNKNOWN. I also do not know that religion, scripture, or meditation CANNOT give any insights into these unknowns.
I too share that view. And that doesn't mathematically translate into P=0. Again, you don't have to take my word for it. You can find out for yourself. Just a math rule.
I never said it did. This is a hypothetical, BlueSky.
The question simply asks...If one of the values in the equation you offered happens to be zero
does the conclusion you derived from your mathematical manipulations hold?
And let's stop the bullshyt, BS...because IF one of those values is does change the conclusion.
I was hoping you had the integrity and sense of honor to simply acknowledge that...but obviously I was wrong.
Quote:P=0 is the extremity corresponding to a blind assertion that meditation CANNOT give any insights
No it is not...and I have explained this a couple of times now...but you are either too thick headed or too stupid to understand. I'll let you decide which.
We are not talking about "insights"...we are talking about insights into the REALITY of existence.
Now for whatever want to blindly assert that meditation MUST come up with some insights into that REALITY.
I think you are full of soup on that assertion...and I defy you to defend how you can KNOW WITH CERTAINTY that meditation will reveal something...anything...about the REALITY of existence (or if you prefer, I defy you to defend how anyone can KNOW WITH CERTAINTY that meditation WILL NOT reveal something about the REALTIY of existence.)
It is my guess that neither can be known with certainty...and that your insistence that P=0 is an impossibility is nothing more than a combination of blind, baseless guesswork coupled with arrogance and stoneheadedness.
Quote: I suspect we both don't subscribe to any of these extrimities, hence cannot assign them as valid values to translate our position.
I suspect no matter what we "both subscribe to" of us...namely not willing to make a stupid guess that one extremity is impossible...and to stick to that silly guess as though it were truth personified.
Quote:Hence the rest of the conclusion follows.
No, the rest of the conclusion doesn't...but like I said are either too thick headed or too stupid to understand.
I certainly am enjoying discussing this with you, though, BS. Do continue!