baffman wrote:Frank Apisa,
"What I am trying to communicate, albeit uinsuccessfully up to this point, is that there is only ONE possible answer to the question, 'Can we know anything about God?' Yes or no, the answer is a resounding yes."
The question above cannot reasonably illicit even two answers. Your proposition that there are many answers to the question, "Can we know anything about God?" is false.
I never said there are "many answers" to that question. I simply said "...there is not only ONE possible answer to that question."
Please do not misquote or misrepresent what I say...just so you can charge me with making a false statement.
Quote: If you answer no, you're fooling yourself because you'd be assuming knowledge about God.
Your question does not go to whether or not we can ASSUME knowledge about God...but rather whether or not we can KNOW anything about god.
So it does not matter that one is ASSUMING something.
If your question had been, "Can we assume anything about possible gods?" ... I would agree. The only logical, reasonable answer would be YES. But that is not your question. Your question was: "Can we
know anything about God?"
There are TWO possible answers to that question, Baffman...YES...or...NO. (By the way...I assume you mean logical and reasonable answers. Obviously, a person could simply answer illogically and unreasonably either way.)
(ASIDE: And if one wanted, as you seem to be doing, to play a game that there is but one possible answer, it is easier to defend that the more likely possible answer is NO...rather than YES. I'll talk about that presently. I enjoy these games, by the way, I am not faulting you on this...merely making the observation.)
Let's take the two possible scenarios (there is a God; there is no God) and look at them:
First scenario: THERE IS A GOD...Can we know anything about God?
Possibly YES; possibly NO.
If the God is willing to let us know about It...we can. The answer will be YES.
If the God has decided that we cannot know anything about It...we cannot. The answer will be NO.
In either case, it appears we will be making an assumption if we guess one way or the other...but IT IS POSSIBLE THAT WE
CANNOT KNOW. It all depends on the God.
Second scenario: THERE IS NO GOD...Can we know anything about God?
While it is theoretically possible to KNOW there is a God (should one exist) is NOT theoretically possible to KNOW there are no gods even if none exist. A God...should one exist...could chose to reveal Itself. There is no way a no-God could reveal itself.
If there are no gods...that will always be an unknown.
If there is no God...the only (logical) answer to the question "Can we know anything about God?" NO.
So as you see...the possible correct and logical answers to the question...are two to one in favor of a NO answer.