(Sorry, sozlet. She doesn't want me to delete it and in fact doesn't want me to type this. back to her.)
pppoin mh bbh lklui
That sounds scary but also really normal, boomer, glad it turned out fine.
Sozlet makes more sense than 90% of the people I come into contact with!
Swimmer's ear--he'll have it all his life.
I've heard the expression "swimmer's ear" before but really had no idea what it was. I just went to read up on it a bit and I'm thinking that's it.
Mo has been a monster for the last week or so and today he was so mellow and wonderful and able to play by himself for a while and easy to entertain and well behaved and generally wonderful.
The little monster might have actually been in pain and this big drainage thing helped.
Now that I know his ears are in good shape I'm going to try the vinegar/water drops that are recommended for swimmer's ear after each swim!
Given the mess on his pillow, there's a good chance that a wax build up was damming the water in the ear.
Ka-bluuum. The dam broke.
The drops sound like a good idea. You might also run through some "Where does it hurt?" games.
He'd been telling me that his belly hurt.
I noted that he hadn't had his usualy giant poops and figured he was constipated - and hence cranky.
I made some beans (he loves beans) and that seemed to get things moving.
But he was still cranky.
"Where does it hurt games" might just help!
Thank you for that idea!
Given the mess on his pillow you would think that the kid was growing a potato crop in his head. I had no idea. The doctor assured me that there was more stuff in there than you would imagine.
I've always heard that you should never stick anything smaller than your elbow in your ear and she confirmed that for me today. It seems that you can easily compact all this stuff down in your ears and cause just such problems.
You know, the body really has some amazing self healing facets to it if we just quit trying to keep it so sanitized.
Was he exceptionally clumsy? Pressure on the inner ear can affect balance--although I've never seen a swimmer's ear that inconvenient.
A heating pad or soft water bottle can soften ear wax so it oozes out.
Mo is (and I'm not bragging here) so amazingly athletic and so cooridinated that it would be hard to spot a clumsy day.
Honestly, the kid already has a pretty good golf swing. We play T-Ball and soccer too.
We sometimes call him "Bam-bam" because he is so strong. Given half a chance, he will rearrange our furniture.
Watching his little body move through space is a glorious thing to behold.
Meanwhile, I'm the clumsiest person on the planet.
It is comparing apples to oranges but he might have been a bit more clumsy than usual.
I will invest in a hot water bottle next time I shop. I would like to take steps to avoid such crankiness in the future.
I have mixed some vinegar/water eardrops and put them in our swim bag already.
Ear health will be moved closer to the top of our agenda!
And maybe a sports scholarship....
College tuition takes many form.