Truth of 2016 president election

Wed 18 Jan, 2017 04:35 pm
Krumple wrote:

Funny how you question me on my understanding as if I have no idea what talking about. The thing is, I'm not only right about my understanding but I'm right about it being racist to say white priveldge.

Its IS an attack an many people want to find a way to punish whites for being white. Its racist to the core. Its blaming someone else for their problems.

Its why Hillary did not win. Middle America don't want to be blamed for others problems when all the do is work their asses off in shitty and dangerous jobs for durt pay.

Until the Dems realize this, Trump might get a second term.

Why's the funny. Your post about the matter characterized a huge misunderstanding of what the term means. The next logical step is to ask if you understand what the term actually means.

You're completely wrong about it being racist though. I'd like to be proven wrong. Could you formulate an argument that explains why recognizing the differences in treatment between white and black people in certain situations is racist?

Prove me wrong. Don't just assert that I am. Prove it.
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Wed 18 Jan, 2017 05:12 pm
Krumple wrote:

maporsche wrote:

Krumple wrote:

Funny how you question me on my understanding as if I have no idea what talking about. The thing is, I'm not only right about my understanding but I'm right about it being racist to say white priveldge.

Its IS an attack an many people want to find a way to punish whites for being white. Its racist to the core. Its blaming someone else for their problems.

Its why Hillary did not win. Middle America don't want to be blamed for others problems when all the do is work their asses off in shitty and dangerous jobs for durt pay.

Until the Dems realize this, Trump might get a second term.

Why's the funny. Your post about the matter characterized a huge misunderstanding of what the term means. The next logical step is to ask if you understand what the term actually means.

You're completely wrong about it being racist though. I'd like to be proven wrong. Could you formulate an argument that explains why recognizing the differences in treatment between white and black people in certain situations is racist?

Prove me wrong. Don't just assert that I am. Prove it.

Because it's not always the case. Its a generalization about a race. That simply being white you have more favor than others. Its simply not true.

The fact that you can't see it is silly.

Make a generalization of any race.

Asians are terrible drivers.
Blacks are untrustworthy.
Jews are greedy.
Mexicans are messy.
Whites are privedged.

These are all generalizations that are not true on a whole. But can they be true on a case by case basis? Maybe but they sure as hell are not universal.

So they are racist statements. It is irrelevant to say, "Well I don't mean it like the way you are interpreting it."

Its NOT about how you have personally understood it but as it is precieved by others.

Are you going to use a racist slur and then accuse the person of not understanding how you personally define the slur? No, its silly.

"White priveldge", is a racist thing to say. You can argue all you want that it is not, but it is.

Don't cloud the issue with strawmen Krumple. Let's just focus on what we've been talking about here.

Saying and providing statistical evidence that white people (in aggregate) receive preferential treatment over black people (in aggregate) in job hiring, school admission, police interactions, or legal sentencing IS NOT racist. Do you agree?
Wed 18 Jan, 2017 06:22 pm
maporsche wrote:

Its NOT about how you have personally understood it but as it is precieved by others.

Spoken like a hard-core cheese-eater, sho nuff. It has NOTHING to do with what you mean; the only thing to be considered here is what I SAY you mean. This cheap-ass ploy is used against Trump (and many others) virtually every day.

maporsche wrote:
Saying and providing statistical evidence that white people (in aggregate) receive preferential treatment over black people (in aggregate) in job hiring, school admission, police interactions, or legal sentencing IS NOT racist. Do you agree?

Sure it is if you're just saying it on the basis of preconceived bias. There are, for example, several studies which demonstrate that, on a per encounter basis, an unarmed white man is more likely than an unarmed black man to be shot by police. But that's not the narrative that hate-filled organizations like BLM, and their fellow-travelling stooges, want to acknowledge, let alone publicize.
Wed 18 Jan, 2017 06:36 pm
layman wrote:

maporsche wrote:

Its NOT about how you have personally understood it but as it is precieved by others.

Spoken like a hard-core cheese-eater, sho nuff. It has NOTHING to do with what you mean; the only thing to be considered here is what I SAY you mean. This cheap-ass ploy is used against Trump (and many others) virtually every day.

Take your BS up with Krumple. HE/SHE aid what you misquoted me as saying. It's ok, the Internet is soooo hard.
Wed 18 Jan, 2017 07:31 pm
maporsche wrote:

layman wrote:

maporsche wrote:

Its NOT about how you have personally understood it but as it is precieved by others.

Spoken like a hard-core cheese-eater, sho nuff. It has NOTHING to do with what you mean; the only thing to be considered here is what I SAY you mean. This cheap-ass ploy is used against Trump (and many others) virtually every day.

Take your BS up with Krumple. HE/SHE aid what you misquoted me as saying. It's ok, the Internet is soooo hard.

I'm taking bets the Layman won't bring this beef up with Krumple at all. His problem is with me, not the words he thinks I'd say.
Wed 18 Jan, 2017 07:34 pm
I'm taking bets the Layman won't bring this beef up with Krumple at all. His problem is with me, not the words he thinks I'd say.

You lose. I may be misunderstanding what Krumps intended, but I stand by my criticism regardless of who said what.
Wed 18 Jan, 2017 07:42 pm
layman wrote:

I'm taking bets the Layman won't bring this beef up with Krumple at all. His problem is with me, not the words he thinks I'd say.

You lose. I may be misunderstanding what Krumps intended, but I stand by my criticism regardless of who said what.

He's a candy ass cheese eater, got it.

Sho'nuff, hahaha.
0 Replies
Wed 18 Jan, 2017 08:08 pm
That kinda brings to mind an irrelevant, but rather humorous, anecdote involving Calvin ("Silent Cal") Coolidge.

A guy who was scheduled to attend a dinner party with Coolidge bet a friend that he could get more than 2 words out of Coolidge, with the friend betting he couldn't.

When he approached Coolidge, he started off by informing him of the bet he had made.

Coolidge just said: "You lose."
0 Replies
Wed 18 Jan, 2017 08:48 pm
Some cheese-eaters seem to believe that the more vehemently and extensively they proclaim their hollow-ass "outrage," the more justified the outrage must be. At a minimum, I guess they presume others think so.

That would go a long way toward explaining some of the over-the-top drama-queenery many of the Trump haters exhibit.
0 Replies
Wed 18 Jan, 2017 08:53 pm
As they die off, the country will become more liberal in many regards. It already has.

I agree completely. Have been saying this for the last 50 years. Another 30 or so years will mostly solve the problem but unfortunately there will still be a minority that think white is good, black is bad.
Wed 18 Jan, 2017 08:56 pm
RABEL222 wrote:

As they die off, the country will become more liberal in many regards. It already has.

I agree completely. Have been saying this for the last 50 years. Another 30 or so years will mostly solve the problem but unfortunately there will still be a minority that think white is good, black is bad.

And there will still be some think that black is good, and white is bad. But, of course, the cheese-eaters won't see that as "unfortunate."
0 Replies
Sun 22 Jan, 2017 11:40 pm
British Jewish capital in the form of a Tramp was replaced in power in the US money from the people of Saudi Arabia and Qatar. In the last 15 years, the U.S. only did what the order served on the murder of Hussein, Gaddafi and Assad. Saudi Arabian was hiding the end in their role of events 11.09.11 and at the end not vetoed a resolution on Israeli settlements. For anybody not a secret that the Clinton Foundation received money from the Saudis and Qatar.
And Britain in anticipation of the arrival of Trump, came from Europe and the Queen made a statement about the imminent great changes
Something like that...
Sun 22 Jan, 2017 11:59 pm
0 Replies
Mon 23 Jan, 2017 12:08 am
layman wrote:

maporsche wrote:

Its NOT about how you have personally understood it but as it is precieved by others.

Spoken like a hard-core cheese-eater, sho nuff. It has NOTHING to do with what you mean; the only thing to be considered here is what I SAY you mean. This cheap-ass ploy is used against Trump (and many others) virtually every day.

maporsche wrote:
Saying and providing statistical evidence that white people (in aggregate) receive preferential treatment over black people (in aggregate) in job hiring, school admission, police interactions, or legal sentencing IS NOT racist. Do you agree?

Sure it is if you're just saying it on the basis of preconceived bias. There are, for example, several studies which demonstrate that, on a per encounter basis, an unarmed white man is more likely than an unarmed black man to be shot by police. But that's not the narrative that hate-filled organizations like BLM, and their fellow-travelling stooges, want to acknowledge, let alone publicize.

I agree with you here but statistics are a complex data set.

Its true that whites were double the number of blacks that were shot and killed by police in 2015.

The problem has two other issues worth addressing along side this data.

1. Blacks are a smaller group than whites.


2. Blacks are 7 out of 10 more likely to have police interactions. This means cops generally interact with blacks more than whites in average.

If cops interact with blacks more often, AND cops are racist? Shouldn't the killing of blacks reflect a 7/10 ratio to whites killed?

More interactions means higher chances of being killed by a cop. Yet are only half the number as whites.

Clearly there is another factor in why the numbers are as they are and its definitely not racism.

However BLM and the media take a percentage.

Let's just use easy numbers to show what I mean

Black population 10,000
White population 100,000

#of Whites = 10 × # of Blacks

200 Blacks killed by cop (2015)
400 Whites killed by cop (2015)

200 = 2% of 10,000
400 = 0.4% of 100,000

So they say 2% of blacks are killed by cops vs. a 0.4% that of whites.

But this is called misinterpreting the data set.
Mon 23 Jan, 2017 02:35 am
Krumple wrote:

But this is called misinterpreting the data set.

You call it "misinterpreting." I call it "misrepresenting." You can lie by omission as well as comission.

Yeah, what you said.

In Chicago, for example, 70% of "stop and frisk" encounters involved black suspects. But 70% of homicides in that City were also committed by blacks, which is what the ACLU won't tell you when they claim the statistics "clearly demonstrate racism."

All law-abiding black citizens would rather be well-protected from gangs than whine about gangsters being stopped and having their guns confiscated, eh?

0 Replies
Mon 23 Jan, 2017 10:08 am
Homicides are not the only crimes committed. Gang activity is a problem in major cities.

Explain to me why the prison sentences for crack cocaine versus powder cocaine are so off. Explain to me why black people arrested with crack cocaine are more likely to go to jail than white people arrested with powder cocaine. Explain to me why SO MANY more black people are arrested for drug offenses than white people to begin with.
0 Replies
Tue 31 Jan, 2017 06:50 pm
Bill Clinton: Hillary 'couldn't prevail' against FBI and Russia hacking


terror power rules the US. All are silent when the traitor was revealed to collaborate with foreign power.
0 Replies
Tue 14 Feb, 2017 06:37 pm

943. Trump and coming economic crisis (1/18/2017)

I allege Donald Trump is a FBI insider who handles the real estate property for the Feds. The reason I say so is based on:

1. The company Trump runs are not public owned firms. It accordance with the FBI characteristic - all its property are secret from public.

2. Trump avoided to pay federal income tax for decades. He refuses to open his income to public. Such a big issue generally was neglected in election and he is elected president. Because otherwise there is a lot of secret property of the FBI would have been exposed under sunshine. Under secret operation, that topic has been omitted. The income of the FBI is free from tax.

3. Trump is arrogant, behaves like a dictator because he knows behind him is a terror power. So he was sure he would win the campaign - if not, "it was rigged", he intimidated his rival "you'd be in jail", he openly called for Russian's help to hack Clinton's email, such a fact is still a forbidden topic in recent Russian hacking debate, he blames media "fake news" if he dislikes it, he demands firms to move back to US in extorting style. All these are the characteristic of the FBI.

4. He can command the politicians, a power only the FBI has.
On Jan. 3, Without Warning or Public Input, House Republicans Vote to Dismantle Ethics Oversight Office
On same day, when Trump says no, so said representatives hurried to cancel their decision.
House Republicans cancel plan to dismantle ethics watchdog after backlash, opposition from Trump

JANUARY 03, 2017


5. Why the FBI push out such an unqualified person to be US president? I think it relates to coming economic collapse. Everybody knows that Federal Reserve will raise the interest rate at least twice this year. It will poke off the real estate bubble. Trump is the man that runs the real estates property of the Feds.

Trump rooted for the housing bubble to burst


May 24, 2016 - If there is a bubble burst, as they call it, you know you could make a lot of money. ... economic crisis before playing audio of Trump in 2006 expressing desire to see the housing market crash. "I sort of hope that happens because then people like me would go in and buy," Trump is heard saying in the ad.


6. In Kat Sung's elimination case, the Feds have accumulated a large quantity of houses. They made a lot of money by house trading to maintain their big plot. When a bubble breaks off, the houses they hold become a hot potato.

7. To get rid of a large quantity of real estates while to take the chance to make big money when a property market crisis comes. What else can you do except to have a real estate manager to be the president? That's why Trump is selected.

0 Replies
Tue 28 Feb, 2017 06:28 pm

930. FBI activate a coup (11/6/2016)

I had such information from internet:


Cone of silence

According to an FBI source, Comey had over a hundred letters of resignation sitting on his desk. When he walked through the halls, agents would turn their back and look the other way. Then he reopened the case, and "the entire building broke out in cheers".


BREAKING: Comey mandates All FBI Agents Report to D.C. Offices; Prep for Raids, Possible Arrests in Clinton Probes
Posted on November 4, 2016


Apparantly, Comey under the pressure of FBI officials to re-open investigation on Clinton's email case. That's an open interference in election. The purpose is to help their candidate - Trump to grab the power seat of president. I think the FBI has big plan in next year.

From my point of view, it's no other than a coup. In dictatorship, the officials activate army to take over control. In US, they activate themselves - secret police.
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