New York Times endorses Kerry.

Reply Sun 17 Oct, 2004 08:51 am
Oh man, but then right after that:

In the summer of 2002, after I had written an article in Esquire that the White House didn't like about Bush's former communications director, Karen Hughes, I had a meeting with a senior adviser to Bush. He expressed the White House's displeasure, and then he told me something that at the time I didn't fully comprehend -- but which I now believe gets to the very heart of the Bush presidency.

The aide said that guys like me were ''in what we call the reality-based community,'' which he defined as people who ''believe that solutions emerge from your judicious study of discernible reality.'' I nodded and murmured something about enlightenment principles and empiricism. He cut me off. ''That's not the way the world really works anymore,'' he continued. ''We're an empire now, and when we act, we create our own reality. And while you're studying that reality -- judiciously, as you will -- we'll act again, creating other new realities, which you can study too, and that's how things will sort out. We're history's actors . . . and you, all of you, will be left to just study what we do.''


See my sig!
0 Replies
Reply Sun 17 Oct, 2004 09:01 am
I'm going to vote tomorrow, so I am interested in both the articles from the Times and The New York Times. Does Bush actually believe that he's on a mission from God? Divine right of kings, I guess.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 17 Oct, 2004 09:06 am
I don't think it's a divine right thing Letty, it's more ominous as a messianic calvinist projection.
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Reply Sun 17 Oct, 2004 09:08 am
So Pan, we can count on your vote for Kerry? Welcome to the light.....the dark side is now at your back.....(((((((BEAR HUG)))))))))) (strictly manly hug of camaraderie of course)
0 Replies
Reply Sun 17 Oct, 2004 09:12 am
Acquiunk wrote:
If one read the front page of the Times even superficially over the past week this endorsement could have been predicted. In a series of articles the Times has presented a broad and disturbing picture of incompetence and in MHO incipient disaster if a second Bush term is allowed.

Oh, I think it's more likely that if one has read the front page of the Times even superficially over the past decade this endorsement could have been predicted...LOL!

(And the harbinger of doom - Krugman - on the inside pages as well).

IMHO ... Smile
0 Replies
Reply Sun 17 Oct, 2004 09:13 am
Whatever, Panz. I'm just wondering if he really has come to believe this stuff, or if it's a ploy. I'm still not certain on all the amendments.
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Reply Sun 17 Oct, 2004 09:14 am
There we go... liberal media... didn't take long.

Again, JW, anything specific to either of these that you disagree with? Untrue allegations? Mis-stated facts?
0 Replies
Reply Sun 17 Oct, 2004 09:18 am
This is nothing more than 2-pages of anti-Bush propaganda. Hardly worth the advertising Frank has been doing in so many threads.

Let's look at the lies...

There is no denying that this race is mainly about Mr. Bush's disastrous tenure. Nearly four years ago, after the Supreme Court awarded him the presidency,

John Ashcroft, a favorite of the far right with a history of insensitivity to civil liberties,

He moved quickly to implement a far-reaching anti-choice agenda including censorship of government Web sites and a clampdown on embryonic stem cell research.

He also made tax cuts a higher priority than doing what was needed for America's security;

a Nixonian obsession with secrecy, disrespect for civil liberties and inept management.

Mr. Ashcroft appeared on TV time and again to announce sensational arrests of people who turned out to be either innocent, harmless braggarts or extremely low-level sympathizers of Osama bin Laden who, while perhaps wishing to do something terrible, lacked the means.

Like the tax cuts, Mr. Bush's obsession with Saddam Hussein seemed closer to zealotry than mere policy.

If he wins re-election, domestic and foreign financial markets will know the fiscal recklessness will continue. Along with record trade imbalances, that increases the chances of a financial crisis, like an uncontrolled decline of the dollar, and higher long-term interest rates.

The Bush White House has always given us the worst aspects of the American right without any of the advantages. We get the radical goals but not the efficient management

the administration has managed to so strain the resources of our armed forces that the nation is unprepared to respond to a crisis anywhere else in the world.

Mr. Kerry has the capacity to do far, far better.

These are just the lies. 99% of the rest of this article stretches the truth to the point of being comical. This whole opinion peice is about as truthful as a $2 whore on payday.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 17 Oct, 2004 09:21 am
People tend to read the publications they are comfortable with not the ones that might challenge their opinions. Human nature. I don't blame JW for feeling that way about the Times. Was there a chance in hell they would endorse Bush.?

For me personally, as far as facts and untrue allegations are concerned, I still trust the Times compared to the Washington Times for example.

And before you ask JW, I try to read conservative viewpoints with an open mind. Of this practice I have no qualms.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 17 Oct, 2004 09:21 am
My take on it is that he really does believe. Very few doubt that in the religious right.

I'll try to hunt up a transcript from Scarbourough Country Friday night. (Anyone see it?) Pat Buchanan is sitting in for Scarbourough due to a back injury. They discussed this on the show and even Pat Buchanan thinks he believes it, that Bush believes he is doing Gods will. But, in the end, the MSNBC political correspondent playing devils advocate finally got Buchanan to answer: Do you believe God is speaking to Bush and told him to go to war in Iraq.

Pat: No. I don't believe God told him that.

The exchange was very good. Will see if I can find the transcript. Though I consider myself a Christian, this was a discussion that completely covered my views / my take on the presidents beliefs.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 17 Oct, 2004 09:27 am
McGentrix wrote:
This is nothing more than 2-pages of anti-Bush propaganda. Hardly worth the advertising Frank has been doing in so many threads.

Let's look at the lies...

There is no denying that this race is mainly about Mr. Bush's disastrous tenure. Nearly four years ago, after the Supreme Court awarded him the presidency,

John Ashcroft, a favorite of the far right with a history of insensitivity to civil liberties,

He moved quickly to implement a far-reaching anti-choice agenda including censorship of government Web sites and a clampdown on embryonic stem cell research.

He also made tax cuts a higher priority than doing what was needed for America's security;

a Nixonian obsession with secrecy, disrespect for civil liberties and inept management.

Mr. Ashcroft appeared on TV time and again to announce sensational arrests of people who turned out to be either innocent, harmless braggarts or extremely low-level sympathizers of Osama bin Laden who, while perhaps wishing to do something terrible, lacked the means.

Like the tax cuts, Mr. Bush's obsession with Saddam Hussein seemed closer to zealotry than mere policy.

If he wins re-election, domestic and foreign financial markets will know the fiscal recklessness will continue. Along with record trade imbalances, that increases the chances of a financial crisis, like an uncontrolled decline of the dollar, and higher long-term interest rates.

The Bush White House has always given us the worst aspects of the American right without any of the advantages. We get the radical goals but not the efficient management

the administration has managed to so strain the resources of our armed forces that the nation is unprepared to respond to a crisis anywhere else in the world.

Mr. Kerry has the capacity to do far, far better.

These are just the lies. 99% of the rest of this article stretches the truth to the point of being comical. This whole opinion peice is about as truthful as a $2 whore on payday.

One might say the same about this little mini publication of yours old buddy.....but...point of clarification....what do you get for 2.00?
0 Replies
Reply Sun 17 Oct, 2004 09:39 am
McGentrix wrote:
This is nothing more than 2-pages of anti-Bush propaganda. Hardly worth the advertising Frank has been doing in so many threads.

Let's look at the lies...


There is no denying that this race is mainly about Mr. Bush's disastrous tenure. Nearly four years ago, after the Supreme Court awarded him the presidency,

Do you deny that the Supreme Court was the ultimate arbiter?

John Ashcroft, a favorite of the far right with a history of insensitivity to civil liberties,

Do you deny that Ashcroft has a history of insensitivities to civil liberties? (I can get cites!)

He moved quickly to implement a far-reaching anti-choice agenda including censorship of government Web sites and a clampdown on embryonic stem cell research.

Do you deny that he hasn't done what he can to further the pro-life agenda? Aren't pro-lifers against stem cell research? Hasn't he voiced his opinion in specifically those terms? (Sanctity of life, etc.)

He also made tax cuts a higher priority than doing what was needed for America's security;

This one is a bit of a value judgement, but a compelling case could be made. No tax cut on the most wealthy = more money available for homeland security.

a Nixonian obsession with secrecy, disrespect for civil liberties and inept management.

Again, that has been documented. "Nixonian" is subjective, but the rest of it can be cited.

Mr. Ashcroft appeared on TV time and again to announce sensational arrests of people who turned out to be either innocent, harmless braggarts or extremely low-level sympathizers of Osama bin Laden who, while perhaps wishing to do something terrible, lacked the means.

This one's nice and objective. Can you please get some cites contradicting it?

Like the tax cuts, Mr. Bush's obsession with Saddam Hussein seemed closer to zealotry than mere policy.

"Seemed" -- explicitly subjective. Not a statement of fact, so can't be called a lie.

If he wins re-election, domestic and foreign financial markets will know the fiscal recklessness will continue. Along with record trade imbalances, that increases the chances of a financial crisis, like an uncontrolled decline of the dollar, and higher long-term interest rates.

Do you deny he's been fiscally reckless?

The Bush White House has always given us the worst aspects of the American right without any of the advantages. We get the radical goals but not the efficient management

Subjective. Could go into how inefficient he is. Why do you think he's efficient?

the administration has managed to so strain the resources of our armed forces that the nation is unprepared to respond to a crisis anywhere else in the world.

This was explicitly mentioned by Bush as a reason for why we're not in Darfur. BUSH agrees with this one.

Mr. Kerry has the capacity to do far, far better.

Subjective. I agree, of course.

These are just the lies. 99% of the rest of this article stretches the truth to the point of being comical. This whole opinion peice is about as truthful as a $2 whore on payday.

Nah. Those are just the statements you disagree with. Haven't provided any corroboration of the "lies". The one about Ashcroft and arrests might be a good place to start, as it has the most objective info. (Except for the overextended forces one, which I already addressed.)
0 Replies
Reply Sun 17 Oct, 2004 09:42 am
McGentrix, you seem to have lost track of the difference between a "lie" and an opinion you think is wrong.

When they write, "He moved quickly to implement a far-reaching anti-choice agenda including censorship of government Web sites", you could argue they are lying if you could show that no websites were censored in the implied way. But most of the statements you quote are mere statements of opinion. They can be argued with if you don't agree, but how are they "lies"?

"Like the tax cuts, Mr. Bush's obsession with Saddam Hussein seemed closer to zealotry than mere policy." It's clearly an opinion you don't agree with. But how is it a lie? To them, it seemed like Mr. Bush was just being zealous about Iraq. And? You think he wasn't. So? What lie?
0 Replies
Reply Sun 17 Oct, 2004 09:50 am
sozobe wrote:
McGentrix wrote:
This is nothing more than 2-pages of anti-Bush propaganda. Hardly worth the advertising Frank has been doing in so many threads.

Let's look at the lies...


There is no denying that this race is mainly about Mr. Bush's disastrous tenure. Nearly four years ago, after the Supreme Court awarded him the presidency,

Do you deny that the Supreme Court was the ultimate arbiter?


John Ashcroft, a favorite of the far right with a history of insensitivity to civil liberties,

Do you deny that Ashcroft has a history of insensitivities to civil liberties? (I can get cites!)


He moved quickly to implement a far-reaching anti-choice agenda including censorship of government Web sites and a clampdown on embryonic stem cell research.

Do you deny that he hasn't done what he can to further the pro-life agenda? Aren't pro-lifers against stem cell research? Hasn't he voiced his opinion in specifically those terms? (Sanctity of life, etc.)


He also made tax cuts a higher priority than doing what was needed for America's security;

This one is a bit of a value judgement, but a compelling case could be made. No tax cut on the most wealthy = more money available for homeland security.

You call it a "value judgement, I call it a lie.

a Nixonian obsession with secrecy, disrespect for civil liberties and inept management.

Again, that has been documented. "Nixonian" is subjective, but the rest of it can be cited.

BS. Cite the disrespect of civil liberties and inept managment, or would that just be making a "value judgement"?

Mr. Ashcroft appeared on TV time and again to announce sensational arrests of people who turned out to be either innocent, harmless braggarts or extremely low-level sympathizers of Osama bin Laden who, while perhaps wishing to do something terrible, lacked the means.

This one's nice and objective. Can you please get some cites contradicting it?

Objective? Nah, that's just more bs.

Like the tax cuts, Mr. Bush's obsession with Saddam Hussein seemed closer to zealotry than mere policy.

"Seemed" -- explicitly subjective. Not a statement of fact, so can't be called a lie.

Yes, it can. I just did.

If he wins re-election, domestic and foreign financial markets will know the fiscal recklessness will continue. Along with record trade imbalances, that increases the chances of a financial crisis, like an uncontrolled decline of the dollar, and higher long-term interest rates.

Do you deny he's been fiscally reckless?


The Bush White House has always given us the worst aspects of the American right without any of the advantages. We get the radical goals but not the efficient management

Subjective. Could go into how inefficient he is. Why do you think he's efficient?

Subjective? Lies.

the administration has managed to so strain the resources of our armed forces that the nation is unprepared to respond to a crisis anywhere else in the world.

This was explicitly mentioned by Bush as a reason for why we're not in Darfur. BUSH agrees with this one.


Mr. Kerry has the capacity to do far, far better.

Subjective. I agree, of course.

These are just the lies. 99% of the rest of this article stretches the truth to the point of being comical. This whole opinion peice is about as truthful as a $2 whore on payday.

Nah. Those are just the statements you disagree with. Haven't provided any corroboration of the "lies". The one about Ashcroft and arrests might be a good place to start, as it has the most objective info. (Except for the overextended forces one, which I already addressed.)

Your translation do not refute the lies stated in this opinion peice, sorry. Nice try though, I understand your point of view, but it appears you are blinded by partisonship.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 17 Oct, 2004 09:56 am
McGentrix wrote:
I understand your point of view, but it appears you are blinded by partisonship.


The chutzpah ...

McGentrix, if you can't discern between a lie and an objectionable opinion, there's really no point in discussing things here.


"President Bush has been a bad president."

"That's a lie!"

"President Clinton was a bad president."

"That's a lie!"

And back to the playground we head ...
0 Replies
Reply Sun 17 Oct, 2004 09:59 am
Am I the only mugwump here? Guess so. Anyway, I'll think it through this evening. You know, folks. There is something rather sad about Bush. He reminds me of a child that I taught who was always trying to convince me of HIS side, when he was really trying to convince himself. Anyway, Thanks, Frank. I hope that I can get some measure of good information here, and not just a rant.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 17 Oct, 2004 10:06 am
If you're looking for good info, there is a lot of it here, too:

0 Replies
Reply Sun 17 Oct, 2004 10:10 am
panzade wrote:
People tend to read the publications they are comfortable with not the ones that might challenge their opinions. Human nature. I don't blame JW for feeling that way about the Times. Was there a chance in hell they would endorse Bush.?

For me personally, as far as facts and untrue allegations are concerned, I still trust the Times compared to the Washington Times for example.

And before you ask JW, I try to read conservative viewpoints with an open mind. Of this practice I have no qualms.

Panzade - you are one of a handful here I trust to be civil and I've never doubted (almost LOL) your honesty or fairness in attempting to assess the political scene from all viewpoints.

(The "almost" is in reference to you bringing up something that occurred 30 years ago on another thread, after teasing me about doing the very same thing) Smile I didn't comment on it there...but rather chuckled to myself.

I'm perhaps overly noisy with my thoughts and opinions here and it may be partly due to the anonymous nature of the internet. I'm actually much quieter and very shy in real life. I find the trans-Atlantic (e.g. me/nimh) and trans-state (e.g. you/me) exchanges between people who've never met and most likely never will fascinating. Definitely a sign of the times and new media.

If your guy wins, life will go on. If mine wins, life will go on. I will continue with my life goals, one of which is to visit all the continents before I'm 35 (I have a while LOL and have crossed 3 off the list), and will continue with my list of places to see and people to meet. I doubt when I eventually get to The Netherlands, for instance, I'll be hung out a window by my heels for my political leanings.

You'd never know it from what I write, but politics is but a small part of my life.
0 Replies
Reply Sun 17 Oct, 2004 10:22 am
0 Replies
Reply Sun 17 Oct, 2004 10:25 am
I promise I won't hang you out of a window by your heels when you get to the Netherlands, JW.

0 Replies

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