Sat 16 Oct, 2004 09:16 am
When my drummer moved here from Chicago in 2002 he registered to vote at the DMV when he got his license. Turns out nobody knows a damn thing about it and he has to try and get a provisional vote.
He spoke with a friends wife who works for the Wake County board of elections and she said this was real common and also said there's something afoot about how door to door voter registration people are being investigated because apparently voters who registered democrat's registrations never made it back to the office.
I'm not making up the news, just reporting it as it's been told to me...I'm sure if the story has teeth it will be in the papers. Well...not 100% sure.......
Bear, that sounds goofy. Can't you call the Demo headquarters and get some clarification? Or are they snoozing like in 2000?
This came up Friday...the call is on the calendar for Monday....