Baldimo wrote:I see a big difference between Bush and Kerry here. It doesn't seem Kerry loves his wife beyond her money. While Bush talked about meeting his wife and what he did in fact learn from her.
Reminds me of Bill and Hillary. It is a marriage of convince not of love. It is convenient for Kerry because it affords him to do things he could do on his govt job.
Did any one notice how Kerry also stated how he would only tax those above the 200K mark? Funny thing is, he makes under 200K per year as a Senator. I guess he wants people to be taxed as long as it isn't him.
You are so off, B.
1) What woman has influenced you most in your life? Your wife, or your mother? I thought most people were trained up by their parents, not their wives, so, therefore, a parent would have the longer stronger influence...

At least, that is true of me, and true for my kids so far (of course, only one is married...)
2) Bill and Hillary
love each other. In spite of their hard times. And if you ever saw them prior to the Monica fiasco, they would act like lovebirds, really in to each other. You could tell they had a deep physical love by their behavior.
3) Wouldn't Kerry and his wife be filing jointly? Do you have evidence that they file
married filing separately? Her fortune would put them in the highest tax bracket, I'm guessing...