Wed 13 Oct, 2004 06:39 am
OK, I've got 4 of them in the freezer ... any ideas for something a wee bit different to the usual offerings? Without rushing out & buying much else? (I'm a bit broke right now.) Anything that doesn't involve too much preparation?
I have fresh garlic, chives, mint, coriander, tarragon, bay leaves, garlic chives growing. No basil, yet, though .... but soon.
A pretty well-stocked stores cupboard, with dried herbs & spices, rice, most oriental flavourings & sauces, pastas, tinned Roma tomatoes, etc, etc,
I am happy to stew, bake, pressure cook, steam, whatever ...
Any suggestions?
All advice greatly appreciated.
jaded chef @ melbourne.
Honey and Hoisin Sauce mixed together, marinade, smother them in it, put in roasting tray until cooked. Lovely jubbly. Eat with rice maybe...yum yum!
Yay, a response!

Thanks, Carrie!
Equal parts honey & sauce?
No disrespect sweetie but tip the package into the nearest dustbin and make some bubble and squeak.
Msolga, my dear. I only like FRIED chicken or chicken baked in the oven. Now if you want a recipe for lace cornbread...............
Hoisin can be quite strong, so do it to taste.
Think its slightly more hoisin. My friends mum used to make it for us....really nice.
Letty wrote:Msolga, my dear. I only like FRIED chicken or chicken baked in the oven. Now if you want a recipe for lace cornbread...............

Now what might lace cornbread be, Letty, my dear?
I should explain something here: I was vego for years (about 15) & meat is something that is NOT my forte! I often ask the butcher/fish monger for advice on what I'm buying! I keep telling myself it's time to cook some meat (usually fish or chicken) as a break from pasta, rice dishes, stir fries, soups ... I confess - I'm a lazy cook!

(& a pretty broke one at the moment, too)
sorry ms...was just spewing on drumsticks which I dislike unless they're deep fried and covered in a raspberry garlic
I'm not crazy about bubble & squeak, myself! :wink:
Have you ever tried chicken dipped in canned milk and breaded with cornflake crumbs? It is baked in the oven and tastes pretty good.
No, I haven't, colorbook. I like the crummed idea, but nort sure about the canned milk ...
Bubble and squeak is a British dish, panz, isn't it.
Recipe for lace cornbread.
Just dump some plain old cornmeal (none of that self rising stuff) into a bowl. Add water until it's very thin. Heat a griddle on the stove until it's hot. This can be determined by flinging a few drops of water on it and when the water beads up, the heat is just right.
Pour the corn meal concoction, as one would pan cake mixture, on the griddle.
What you get is quick and thin fritters that have the appearance of lace.
Much healthier and better than potato chips or other type munchables.
Colorbook, there's a product here that is called frying magic that one may bread chicken with and although it's done in the oven, it tastes like fried chicken and doesn't have as much grease content.
Damn. Now I gotta make some chicken for dinner tonight.
Glad you two liked the idea of lace cornbread, Msolga and Panz.
and Msolga, while you're whippin' stuff up, be sure to sing a song of food and chicken. Something like:
Sing a song of chicken legs,
Baked or just fried,
Secret herbs and spices
Lace corn bread on the side.
When the oven's open
If that chicken starts to sing,
Call your local fast food,
And order anything.
Oh, so you have the corn bread WITH the chicken? Aha. Not that familiar with cornbread here in Oz.
Come to think of it, I'm not that familiar with cooking meat, either!
So msolga, did you end up cooking the chicken legs?