Giving your local Rape Crisis Center a call is a good idea.
As for your eight year old--some kids are more imaginative than others. Imagination is a blessing and a curse.
Quote:I think I am scaring the hell out of my 8 yr old because he is scared of everything, he will not go into our basement, my bathroom, or our attic, he says he is too scared...
Practical steps:
Give him the biggest flashlight you can find. (Tell him you will replace the batteries ONCE and ONCE only--if he leaves the light on and needs further batteries, they come out of his allowance. This isn't Fear Buster stuff--this is Veteran Mother on the subject of flashlights)
Start some mild deconditioning. Which is the most inconvenient feared place, the basement, the attic, or your bathroom?
Go with him--and the flashlight--and take one step inside the frightening area. Count to three and retreat.
Tomorrow, two steps.....
The next day, three....
Eventually, it is just your son and the flashlight....
Good luck. And call rape crisis. Bad enough your slimy neighbor damaged you--don't let your memories of him damage your kids.