DontTreadOnMe wrote:Frank Apisa wrote:Bush does a better job of convincing people he is a moron...than any liberal site could do.
He is pathetic...and it is a national disgrace that so many Americans are willing to overlook the incredible damage he and his incompetent administration have done to our country...and to the rest of the world.
heya frank. got a spare "little kings" for me???
i'm becoming more and more convinced that the folks who are staunch bush supporters are doing so based more on their religious and no-taxes outlook than anything to do with bush's c.o.c. abilities.
but, what is good for a religious group's agenda is not always in line with what's good for the entire country.
I think they are voting for him because the simply cannot get out from under their ideology.
Surely they can see that he is incompetent...and surely they can see the serious damage this adminisration has done to us and the rest of the world.
Surely they can see that the pack of lies and fabrications that went into this misadventure called the Iraq War...were nothing more than that.
And surely they can see that Bush and Cheney are damn near to delusional when it comes to what is going on over there.
This administration has been a catastrophe for our country...and these people want to prolong this administration!!!!
Oh, by the way...what's "little kings?"