Olivier5 wrote:
Leadfoot wrote:
Oh! Just like evolution!
Yes, a Darwinian system combining the random creation of new ideas with a selection process that picks up the best ones.
Where do you propose that new ideas come from? God? The Devil?
Referring the process as an "idea" is dishonest wording. It isn't driven by a conscious thought or motivation to change or develope a new trait. It doesn't work like that.
A mutation can either be helpful or detrimental to an organism. However the word helpful should have context to what it means when used here.
Let's take a bird for example. The type of beak it has will impact its ability to feed or find food. So a mutation in the shape of the beak can drastically impact how the bird acquired food. If a long slender beak is the norm, an offspring may have formed a shorter beak that doesn't allow for it to feed like it's parents or siblings. It may be forced to feed in a different way or it dies.
If the "malformed" lead to the birds death and it survives it might pass on its genes for this mutation if it breeds.
This is how changes and variety are seen. Over long periods of time mutations continue and if you compare its ancestors with thousands of generations later they may not even remotely resemble their distant relatives.
This isn't new ideas or caused by some external mind purposely manipulating animals. It comes down to minor errors in genetics that alter the function of a species over time.