I think that fate in fact does make sense, but that does not mean that we can prove such. I don't think we can prove anything with absolute conclusively; we can only convince. So, I will try to do so here.
ok so we take the word fate. Here is its definition: the development of events beyond a person's control, regarded as determined by a supernatural power.
This seems to be exactly the same as determinism, except for that word supernatural in there. So, here is its definition:(of a manifestation or event) attributed to some force beyond scientific understanding or the laws of nature
So, combining the two definitions we have: the development of events beyond a person's control, regarded as determined by an event attributed to some force beyond scientific understanding and the laws of nature.
Hm. On second thought, I'd say this matches the view of determinism exactly. determinism states that everything that occurs is determined by some prior event and could not occur in any other way. For fate, we have the development of events beyond a person's control, which were determined by an event (a prior event) attributed to some force beyond scientific understanding and the laws of nature. You may say that this does not make sense because we can understand why the determining event occurred, or what the force was which caused it, but if you go back far enough there are things which are beyond our understanding, such as why the universe exists in the first place. Also, we cannot directly experience the past, only our memories of it, so we cannot have absolute certainty about it.