Where should I put the devilled eggs? .... oh, Hi ossoB ... ummmmmm, didn't see you standing there, behind the fern.
I ought bray ey they ooze bay!
I'd give it another hour or so, chaps.....i feel she still lurks.
Keep the booze and eggs out of sight under those swimming jellyfish on the right.
Jellyfish! You remembered! (We had them at our wedding. No wonder things fell apart, years later...)
Ok, now I'm gone for good. Pacco is at his pals' house, safe and sound. See ya..
Um, I've been gone for three days. Anybody miss me?
I'm so glad to be home. I missed myself. Staying with crazy relatives will do that.
Thank God somebody brought booze. Pour me a drink, will you?
Here's a tall glass of frog urine, Eva.
It's all I have.
Apparently Eva wasn't too interested in the frog urine.
It was cold.
Oh Yes, that's our Gus, all right.
Glad to know it's not some imposter using his avatar.
It's been a lot duller around here without you, you big lug. Welcome Home!
This one time, Seed totally missed me. (I think JP might have, too). Those were the days! Anyway, I wonder how he's (they're, counting JP) doing now...
And I'm back, I guess, sorta, just because I feel some strange need to offer random advice in the Relationships & Marriage forum. But not right now. Sometime soon, though. I'm just giving you guys advanced warning for my triumphant return. Prepare the party!
Here's a tall glass of frog urine smog...yes, it's chilled.
Hi there--
I just wanted to announce that I'll have to join the lost and misplaced until at least the end of July. Monday evening, my mother suffered a femoral neck fracture while she was walking her dog in the countryside. Fortunately the operation happened timely and went reasonably smoothly. But she needs a lot of emotional support, my father needs help learning to run the household by himself, the dog still needs walking, and dozens of little things need attention at my parents' place too.
By helping with these, I am going to turn two hard and previously benign deadlines at work into very close shaves, so I practically won't have time for A2K until they're taken cared of. Hopefully that will be finished by the end of July. I hope I won't create any new emergencies while dealing with these.
Just thought I'd let you know before people start posting worried questions to this forum. I'm fine -- just busy.
Ok, for being good to his mum and pop I change my rating of Thomas from a 5 to 5 1/2. Take care of yourself Thomas, I will miss you (a tiny bit)
dyslexia wrote:Ok, for being good to his mum and pop I change my rating of Thomas from a 5 to 5 1/2. Take care of yourself Thomas, I will miss you (a tiny bit)
Thanks (-ish). I don't quite appreciate it, but I kinda do. See you later.
I give Thomas a 10 for taking care of his parents.
I gave him a 10 even before...
Thomas is obviously a 10.
Hold your dominion.
Has anyone heard from The Prince? Was he in London yesterday?
He reported in with some riveting first hand knowledge.